How can I move a file using the URL I get from the Camera?
neither successCallback nor errorCallback is called by the function moveTo. Can anyone tell me what I am doing wrong and what a possible solution looks like?
function successCallback(entry) {
console.log("New Path: " + entry.fullPath);
alert("Success. New Path: " + entry.fullPath);
function errorCallback(error) {
console.log("Error:" + error.code)
// fileUri = file:///emu/0/android/cache/something.jpg
function moveFile(fileUri) {
newFileUri = cordova.file.dataDirectory + "images/";
oldFileUri = fileUri;
fileExt = "." + oldFileUri.split('.').pop();
newFileName = guid("car") + fileExt;
// move the file to a new directory and rename it
fileUri.moveTo(cordova.file.dataDirectory, newFileName, successCallback, errorCallback);
I am using Cordova version 4.1.2 Also installed the Cordova File Plugin