I have a directory with several subdirectories with files.
How can I copy all files in the subdirectories to a new location?
Edit: I do not want to copy the directories, just the files...
As this is still on XP, I chose the below solution:
for /D %S IN ("src\*.*") DO @COPY "%S\" "dest\"
Ok. With your edit that says you don't want the directory structure, i think you're going to want to use something like this:
for /F "usebackq" %s IN (`DIR /B /S /A-D SrcDir`) DO @(
XCOPY %s DestDir\%~nxs
The Xcopy command should help here.
XCOPY /E SrcDir\*.* DestDir\
Or if you don't want any of the files in SrcDir, just the sub directories, you can use XCOPY in conjunction with the FOR command:
FOR /D %s IN (SrcDir\*) DO @XCOPY /E %s DestDir\%~ns\
robocopy "c:\source" "c:\destination" /E
If I understood you correctly you have a big directory tree and you want all the files inside it to be in one directory. If that's correct, then I can do it in two lines:
dir /s /b "yourSourceDirectoryTreeHere" > filelist.txt
for /f %f in (filelist.txt) do @copy %f "yourDestinationDirHere"
In a batch file vs. the command line change %f to %%f
If you want to keep the same folder structure on the other end, sounds as simple as XCOPY
xcopy c:\old\*.* d:\new\ /s
Use /e instead of /s if you want empty directories copied too.
for /D %S IN ("src\*.*") DO @COPY "%S\" "dest\"