I have a table like as follows:
SoftwareName Count Country Project 15 Canada Visio 12 Canada Project 10 USA Visio 5 USA
How do I query it to give me a summary like...
SoftwareName Canada USA Total Project 15 10 25 Visio 12 5 17
How to do in T-SQL?
I have a table like as follows:
SoftwareName Count Country Project 15 Canada Visio 12 Canada Project 10 USA Visio 5 USA
How do I query it to give me a summary like...
SoftwareName Canada USA Total Project 15 10 25 Visio 12 5 17
How to do in T-SQL?
SELECT SoftwareName,
SUM( CASE Country WHEN 'Canada' THEN [Count] ELSE 0 END ) AS Canada,
SUM( [Count] ) AS Total
FROM [Table]
GROUP BY SoftwareName;
OK...Here's how to do it using PIVOT:
SELECT Softwarename, Canada, USA, Canada + USA As TOTAL from SoftwareDemo
FOR Country
IN (Canada, USA)
) AS x
Softwarename Canada USA TOTAL
-------------------------------------------------- ----------- ----------- -----------
Project 15 10 25
Visio 12 5 17
(2 row(s) affected)
This is called table pivoting. In your simple case, there are just two columns; in general, there could be 200 countries or so, in which case, the pivoting becomes rather hard.
There are many resources online describing how to do it: Google for 'pivot table sql'.
in SQL 2005 or later there-SQL keyword "Pivot" that does this for you, Check out the following link:
i think you can use this Link :
Sum of unique records - better performance than a cursor
and i think using PIVOT Function have a best performance rater SUM() function.!