I managed to run into a lifetime issue again that I seem to be unable to resolve on my own.
The compiler tells me cannot infer an appropriate lifetime for automatic coercion
I tried to follow the compilers suggestion and introduced the lifetime annotations in the handle_request
fn handle_request<'a>(&self, req: &Request, res: &'a mut ResponseWriter) {
fn set_headers(req: &Request, res: &mut ResponseWriter) {
//probably not important for the example
match &req.request_uri {
&AbsolutePath(ref url) => {
match self.router.match_route(req.method.clone(), url.clone()) {
Some(route_result) => {
set_headers(req, res);
let floor_req = request::Request{
origin: req,
params: route_result.params.clone()
let floor_res = response::Response{
origin: res
(route_result.route.handler)(floor_req, &mut floor_res);
None => {}
_ => set_headers(req, res)
I had the code working before but now I wanted to wrap the http::server::ResponseWriter
in my own Response
struct. I did exactly the same for the Request
before but in terms of lifetimes the case seems to be slightly different. Maybe because it's a &mut
instead of just a simple &
This is my ResponseWriter
use http;
///A container for the response
pub struct Response<'a> {
///the original `http::server::ResponseWriter`
pub origin: &'a mut http::server::ResponseWriter<'a>,
Just incase any Samaritan wants to compile the code locally, I pushed it into the lifetime_crazyness branch here: https://github.com/cburgdorf/Floor/commits/lifetime_craziness
Just run make floor
to compile it.