We are using cdh4-0.0 distribution from cloudera. We are unable to start the daemons using the below command.
Starting namenodes on [localhost]
hduser@localhost's password:
localhost: mkdir: cannot create directory `/hduser': Permission denied
localhost: chown: cannot access `/hduser/hduser': No such file or directory
localhost: starting namenode, logging to /hduser/hduser/hadoop-hduser-namenode-canberra.out
localhost: /home/hduser/work/software/cloudera/hadoop-2.0.0-cdh4.0.0/sbin/hadoop-daemon.sh: line 150: /hduser/hduser/hadoop-hduser-namenode-canberra.out: No such file or directory
localhost: head: cannot open `/hduser/hduser/hadoop-hduser-namenode-canberra.out' for reading: No such file or directory