How can I find out if the user pressed F5 to refresh my page (Something like how SO implemented. If you refresh your page, the question counter is not increased). I have tested many code snippets mentioned in a dozen of tutorials, but none worked correctly.
To be more clear, suppose that i have an empty web form and would like to detect whether the user has pressed F5 in client-side (causing a refresh not submit) or not.
I can use session variables, but if the user navigates to another page of my site, and then comes back , I'd like to consider it as a new visit, not a refresh. so this is not a session-scope variable.
Update: The only workaround I could find was to inherit my pages from a base page, override the load method like below:
public class PageBase : System.Web.UI.Page
protected override void OnLoad(EventArgs e)
this.Session["LastViewedPage"] = Request.RawUrl;
and in every page if I was interested to know if this is a refresh:
if (this.Session["LastViewedPage"].ToString() == Request.RawUrl)
// This is a refresh!