I have the following for loop in my django template displaying days. I wonder, whether it's possible to iterate a number (in the below case i) in a loop. Or do I have to store it in the database and then query it in form of days.day_number?
{% for days in days_list %}
<h2># Day {{ i }} - From {{ days.from_location }} to {{ days.to_location }}</h2>
{% endfor %}
Django provides it you can use {{ forloop.counter }}
index start at 1 or {{ forloop.counter0 }}
index start at 0.
More info at Django template forloop
Just to add quick help here rather than going to django doc.
In template you can do
{% for item in item_list %}
{{ forloop.counter }} {# starting index 1 #}
{{ forloop.counter0 }} {# starting index 0 #}
{# do your stuff #}
{% endfor %}