It is easy to do an Exact Binomial Test on two values but what happens if one wants to do the test on a whole bunch of number of successes and number of trials. I created a dataframe of test sensitivities, potential number of enrollees in a study and then for each row I calculate how may successes that would be. Here is the code.
sens <-seq(from=.1, to=.5, by=0.05)
enroll <-seq(from=20, to=200, by=20)
df <-expand.grid(sens=sens,enroll=enroll)
df <-transform(df,succes=sens*enroll)
But now how do I use each row's combination of successes and number of trials to do the binomial test.
I am only interested in the upper limit of the 95% confidence interval of the binomial test. I want that single number to be added to the data frame as a column called "upper.limit"
I thought of something along the lines of
alas, gives something such as
[1] 0.1266556 0.2918427
[1] 0.95
All I want is just 0.2918427
Furthermore I have a feeling that there has to be in there somewhere and maybe even an lapply but I do not know how that will go through the whole data frame. Or should I perhaps be using plyr?
Clearly my head is spinning. Please make it stop.