
Environment specific ebextensions commands

2019-02-17 15:44发布


I have a spring-boot application for which I need to specify graphite server and port (to send metrics). For that to work, I have to install and configure statsd. I do that using the ebextensions file.

    command: sudo yum -y install nodejs npm --enablerepo=epel
    ignoreErrors: true

    command: mkdir /home/ec2-user/statsd
    ignoreErrors: true

    command: git clone https://github.com/etsy/statsd.git /home/ec2-user/statsd
    ignoreErrors: true

    command: "cat exampleConfig.js | sed 's/2003/<graphite-port>/g' | sed 's/graphite.example.com/<my-graphite-server>/g' > config.js"
    cwd: /home/ec2-user/statsd

    command: setsid node stats.js config.js >/dev/null 2>&1 < /dev/null &
    cwd: /home/ec2-user/statsd

The problem with this configuration is that I can specify only 1 graphite server here for all environments.

So I decided to move commands 04 and 05 into container_commands. I am thinking of defining an environment variable called ENV_NAME using the beanstalk console/UI, and set it to dev, qa, or prod according to the environment. Then I can use test option of container_commands to run 04 and 05 commands only for specific environment based on this ENV_NAME.

So my problem is - how can I use AWS console to define environment variable? I tried using Benastalk console to define my variable as explained in the documentation here but it did not work. I also found (see the answer with 5 upvotes) that this method sets only JVM properties and not ENV variables.

I cannot define environment variable using ebextensions because then I'll have the same problem - can't define different env vars for different envs :)

So I need help with either:

  • Set the ENV_NAME environment variable using beanstalk UI.


  • Suggest a way to use ENV_NAME system property in container_commands to condition whether or not to run the command based on the value of ENV_NAME.

And in case you know a simpler/better way to specify different Graphite servers for different environments, please feel free to pitch in.


The way I resolved this was to define ENV_NAME as dev and prod in dev and prod environments respectively and use the following ebextensions configuration.

    command: sudo yum -y install nodejs npm --enablerepo=epel
    ignoreErrors: true

    command: mkdir /home/ec2-user/statsd
    ignoreErrors: true

    command: git clone https://github.com/etsy/statsd.git /home/ec2-user/statsd
    ignoreErrors: true

    command: "cat exampleConfig.js | sed 's/2003/<graphite-dev-port>/g' | sed 's/graphite.example.com/<graphite-dev-host>/g' > config.js"
    cwd: /home/ec2-user/statsd
    test: '[ "${ENV_NAME}" == "dev" ]'

    command: "cat exampleConfig.js | sed 's/2003/<graphite-prod-port>/g' | sed 's/graphite.example.com/<graphite-prod-host>/g' > config.js"
    cwd: /home/ec2-user/statsd
    test: '[ "${ENV_NAME}" == "prod" ]'

    command: setsid node stats.js config.js >/dev/null 2>&1 < /dev/null &
    cwd: /home/ec2-user/statsd

Using test I can condition the execution of the container command on the ENV_NAME property which I have already defined in the beanstalk environment.


In addition to the answer by @Nik:

Instead of manually adding an environment variable ENV_NAME, you could also obtain the actual environment name and store that in ENV_NAME automatically. This is achieved using option_settings in your ebextensions config file.

For example:

    ENV_NAME: '`{ "Ref" : "AWSEBEnvironmentName" }`'  # assign the actual env name to ENV_NAME

    command: echo "this is the development environment"  # this will turn up in ebactivity.log
    test: '[[ $ENV_NAME = "dev" ]]'

A side note, for those who are not so familiar with shell scripting, like me: the spaces in the test expression are important (example).


The answer is in this Spring documentation, but I'll put it a little in my words: Since you are running a spring-boot application, you can create different 'application.properties' files, like this:

Inside each file you can place your graphite (or whatever) configuration:

In my application-dev.yml:

And in my application-prod.yml:

As you can see there is a configuration for each environment.

You can run your application with different maven profiles, in this case, let's say: dev and prod... In my case my 'dev' profile is set by default, so when the application starts it will load the dev profile and therefore, the application-dev.yml configuration.

A snippet of my pom.xml


Then, when you run your application with each profile, it will load the desired .yml file

Let's see, if I run:

java -jar mywar.war

My console loads the dev profile (because remember it is my default profile)

But if I specify the prod profile, like:

java -jar mywar.war --spring.profiles.active=prod

My console will show:

To set the environment variable in Elastic Beanstalk, go to Configuration -> Software configuration:

And set spring.profile.active, like this:

One last comment: Do not confuse Environment Properties with Environment Tags!

  • Environment Properties: The ones I just showed you: The environment variables.
  • Environment Tags: Elastic Beanstalk tags for resources, as explained here