I'm currently able to decode a CSR's values except for Requested Extensions, specifically X509v3 Subject Alternative Name
. Here's the relevant part of
my `DecodeCSR(string csr):
public void DecodeCsr(string csrStr){
//getting just csr
var csrChars = Regex.Replace(csrStr, @"-----[^-]+-----", "").Trim().Replace(" ", "").Replace(Environment.NewLine, "").ToCharArray();
//converting that string into a byte array
byte[] csrEncode = Convert.FromBase64CharArray(csrChars, 0, csrChars.Length);
//giving decodeCsr the byte array
Pkcs10CertificationRequest decodeCsr = new Pkcs10CertificationRequest(csrEncode);
//getting a string of subject information
string subject = decodeCsr.GetCertificationRequestInfo().Subject.ToString();
//here's how I'm getting a DerSet of attribute
DerSet atts = (DerSet)decodeCsr.GetCertificationRequestInfo().Attributes;
Here's a test csr with SANs:
string csr = "-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE REQUEST-----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-----END CERTIFICATE REQUEST-----";
The information I can get from decodeCsr.GetCertificationRequestInfo().Attributes
is an Org.BouncyCastle.Asn1.DerSet
that looks like this:
DerSet atts = (DerSet)decodeCsr.GetCertificationRequestInfo().Attributes;
This is what it looks like in debug mode(a picture of the overal object is below):
atts {[[1.2.840.113549.1.9.14, [[[, #3026820a61757374696e2e636f6d820b61757374696e322e636f6d820b61757374696e342e636f6d]]]]]} Org.BouncyCastle.Asn1.DerSet
I can see the DerOctetString
in debug mode, however I have no idea how to get to it. I believe if i can get that far Hugo's answer may be applicable, there is a DerOctetStringParser
but at the moment I have nothing to give it.
I've tried to treat atts
as a string removed the OIDs get the value exactly like the DerOctetString
in debug mode and cast it as a DerOctetString
that didn't work, and I don't believe that answer scales well.
I made it work with the following code :
public static void DecodeCsr(string csr)
csr = Regex.Replace(csr, @"-----[^-]+-----", String.Empty).Trim().Replace(" ", "").Replace(Environment.NewLine, "");
PemObject pem = new PemObject("CSR", Convert.FromBase64String(csr));
Pkcs10CertificationRequest request = new Pkcs10CertificationRequest(pem.Content);
CertificationRequestInfo requestInfo = request.GetCertificationRequestInfo();
// an Attribute is a collection of Sequence which contains a collection of Asn1Object
// let's find the sequence that contains a DerObjectIdentifier with Id of "1.2.840.113549.1.9.14"
DerSequence extensionSequence = requestInfo.Attributes.OfType<DerSequence>()
.First(o => o.OfType<DerObjectIdentifier>()
.Any(oo => oo.Id == "1.2.840.113549.1.9.14"));
// let's get the set of value for this sequence
DerSet extensionSet = extensionSequence.OfType<DerSet>().First();
// estensionSet = [[, #30158208746573742e636f6d820974657374322e636f6d]]]
// extensionSet contains nested sequence ... let's use a recursive method
DerOctetString str = GetAsn1ObjectRecursive<DerOctetString>(extensionSet.OfType<DerSequence>().First(), "");
GeneralNames names = GeneralNames.GetInstance(Asn1Object.FromByteArray(str.GetOctets()));
static T GetAsn1ObjectRecursive<T>(DerSequence sequence, String id) where T : Asn1Object
if (sequence.OfType<DerObjectIdentifier>().Any(o => o.Id == id))
return sequence.OfType<T>().First();
foreach (DerSequence subSequence in sequence.OfType<DerSequence>())
T value = GetAsn1ObjectRecursive<T>(subSequence, id);
if (value != default(T))
return value;
return default(T);
The tricky part is that BouncyCastle works with collection everywhere and the requested value is inside a nested nested collection. I use a recursive function because I'm not sure if your CSR will always have this value as nested.
As requested in the comments, here's a Java version (with Bouncy Castle 1.57).
One detail is that I had to format your CSR to make it work (I couldn't read it when it's all in one line):
That's how I could read the attributes from the CSR:
import org.bouncycastle.asn1.ASN1ObjectIdentifier;
import org.bouncycastle.asn1.DEROctetString;
import org.bouncycastle.asn1.DERSequence;
import org.bouncycastle.asn1.pkcs.Attribute;
import org.bouncycastle.asn1.x509.GeneralNames;
import org.bouncycastle.pkcs.PKCS10CertificationRequest;
import org.bouncycastle.util.io.pem.PemObject;
import org.bouncycastle.util.io.pem.PemReader;
String csr = // Base 64 CSR
PemReader reader = new PemReader(new StringReader(csr));
PemObject object = reader.readPemObject();
PKCS10CertificationRequest req = new PKCS10CertificationRequest(object.getContent());
Attribute[] attributes = req.getAttributes();
for (Attribute at : attributes) {
if ("1.2.840.113549.1.9.14".equals(at.getAttrType().getId())) { // extension request
// there's a sequence inside another sequence
DERSequence seq = (DERSequence) at.getAttrValues().getObjectAt(0);
seq = (DERSequence) seq.getObjectAt(0);
ASN1ObjectIdentifier oid = (ASN1ObjectIdentifier) seq.getObjectAt(0);
if ("".equals(oid.getId())) { // = subject alternative name
DEROctetString str = (DEROctetString) seq.getObjectAt(1);
GeneralNames names = GeneralNames.getInstance(str.getOctets());
The output is:
2: test.com
2: test2.com
The tag 2
is the dnsName
(as stated by the RFC 5280).
PS: this code is a simple version that assumes there's only one attribute value (when I call at.getAttrValues().getObjectAt(0)
). If there are more attributes, probably the getAttrValues()
will have more elements and a loop will be better instead of just getting the first element.