How can I add help_text in django for a search field I am using in as:
class ProfileAdmin(admin.ModelAdmin):
list_display = ('First_Name','Last_Name','Registeration_No','University','Batch','Sex')
search_fields = ('First_Name','Last_Name','Registeration_No','University','Batch')
You can add this javascript in ModelAdmin
window.onload = function() {
document.getElementById("searchbar").placeholder = "search with ";
ModelAdmin will be like
class SomeModelAdmin(admin.ModelAdmin):
class Media:
js = ('js/admin/custom_admin.js',)
# css = { 'all': ('css/admin/custom_admin.css',)}
add the custom_admin.js in static/js/admin
You could either override Admin template admin/search_form.html
to add help text;
Or load a javascript file, which could find the dom node to insert the help text, in ProfileAdmin.Media
, check the doc.
The easiest solution is with jquery:
$("#searchfield_id").attr('title', "Click here to search for someone")
Or you can add it directly to the HTML itself. The title shows up when you mouse over the search field.