When I run the following .Net code:
using (var c = Shared.DataSources.BSS1.CreateCommand())
c.CommandText = "\r\nSelect c1, c2, c3, rowid \r\nFrom someSpecificTable \r\nWhere c3 = :p0";
var p = c.CreateParameter() as Oracle.DataAccess.Client.OracleParameter;
p.OracleDbType = Oracle.DataAccess.Client.OracleDbType.Varchar2;
p.DbType = System.Data.DbType.AnsiString;
p.Size = 20;
p.Value = "007";
p.ParameterName = ":p0";
using (var r = c.ExecuteReader())
I get the following error:
ORA-01460: unimplemented or unreasonable conversion requested
ORA-02063: preceding line from XXX
This is not my database, and I don't have control over the select statements that I get, that table IS from a database link.
The funny thing is that if I add the following code just before the ExecuteReader it runs fine.
c.CommandText = c.CommandText.Replace("\r\n", " ");
Unfortunately that is not a good solution in my case as I can't control to SQL nore can I change it that way.
As for the table itself, the columns are: c1 Number(5) c2 varchar2(40) c3 varchar2(20).
I know that ORA-02063 that comes after indicate something about a database link, but I looked in the synonim table and it didn't come from any database_link, and also I don't think that \r\n should affect database link.
I tried running the query without bound parameters, and it did work - but again bad practice to do so in a general term.
The trouble is that a competing tool that is not .Net based, is working and thus it's not a general problem.
I also couldn't reproduce the problem in my own environment, this is a customer database and site. I am using instant client and also tested it with instant client
The db is 10 and the db link is to an oracle v8 database
Any help would be appreciated