I want to save information in my extenstion. I use Chrome.storage.sync
to do that, however when I read right after saving I am unable to rightly retrieve the value. Probably doing something stupid....
I tried clearing the local storage with chrome.storage.sync.clear
but that did not help.
My save function is (looked at how Currently did it):
save: function (type, key, data) {
Storage.storageOption(type).set({key:data}, function () {
console.log("saved data");
load: function (type, key) {
Storage.storageOption(type).get(key, function (object) {
console.log("read : " +object);
return object[key];
and calling it as:
Storage.save("", 'path',username);
Which results in this:
saved data
read : [object Object]
OK, apparently there is a problem in how I pass the object's key-value pair because when I call it like this:
chrome.storage.sync.set({'path':username}, function(){});
Printing the storage in the console results in a better output:
Still not sure what this undefined is...
Update 2:
After successfully writing to the storage, trying to read it when document ready is fired. Using the following code:
var dbdata = chrome.storage.sync.get("path",function(object){
return object['path'];
However, the function's body is not executed, although the documentation says it will be run in any case and will set lastError in case of an error.
Any suggestions?