I am new to spark/zeppelin and I wanted to complete a simple exercise, where I will transform a csv file from pandas to Spark data frame and then register the table to query it with sql and visualise it using Zeppelin.
But I seem to be failing in the last step.
I am using Spark 1.6.1
Here is my code:
print spark_clean_df.dtypes
print sqlContext.sql("select count(*) from table1").collect()
Here is the output:
[('id', 'bigint'), ('name', 'string'), ('host_id', 'bigint'), ('host_name', 'string'), ('neighbourhood', 'string'), ('latitude', 'double'), ('longitude', 'double'), ('room_type', 'string'), ('price', 'bigint'), ('minimum_nights', 'bigint'), ('number_of_reviews', 'bigint'), ('last_review', 'string'), ('reviews_per_month', 'double'), ('calculated_host_listings_count', 'bigint'), ('availability_365', 'bigint')]
But when I try to use %sql I get this error:
select * from table1
Table not found: table1; line 1 pos 14
set zeppelin.spark.sql.stacktrace = true to see full stacktrace
Any help would be appreciated - I don't even know where to find this stacktrace and how could it help me.
Thanks :)
Zeppelin can create different contexts for different interpreters it is possible that if you executed some code with %spark and some code with %pyspark interpreters your Zeppelin can have two contexts. And when you use %sql it is looking in another context not in %pyspark.
Try restart Zeppelin and execute %pyspark code as first statement and than %sql as second.
If you go to 'Interpreters' tab you can add zeppelin.spark.sql.stacktrace there. And after restart Zeppelin you will see full stack trace in a place where you have 'Table not found' now.
Actually this is probably answer to your question
When registering a table using the %pyspark interpreter in Zeppelin, I can't access the table in %sql
Try to do
sqlContext = sqlc
as first two lines
also related to the different contexts created by spark check the following setting in the spark interpreter
zeppelin.spark.useHiveContext = false
set the setting to 'false'
You didn't say which interpreter group you were using. If it's livy
then you can't access tables registered in %livy.pyspark
from %livy.sql
. I got this from here:
for now %livy.sql can only access tables registered %livy.spark, but not %livy.pyspark and %livy.sparkr.
If you switch to the standard spark
interpreter group it should work. I can confirm this for me using Spark 1.6.3 and Zeppelin 0.7.0. Hopefully the people working on the livy interpreter will fix this restriction...
Correct syntax would be:
sqlContext.registerDataFrameAsTable(spark_clean_df, 'table1')
sqlContext.sql(select * from table1 where ...)