So I'm trying to use PBKDF2 to derive a key given a base64 string of 256bits. I am able to use C#'s Rfc2898DeriveBytes and node-crypto's pbkdf2 to derive the same key, however, I can't say the same for C++. I'm not sure if I'm doing wrong conversions or using the functions improperly, but I'll let you guys look at it.
/* 256bit key */
string key = "Y1Mjycd0+O+AendY5pB58JMlmS0EmBWgjdj2r2KW6qQ=";
string decodedKey;
StringSource(key, true, new Base64Decoder(new StringSink(decodedKey)));
const byte* keyByte = (const byte*);
/* Generate IV */
AutoSeededRandomPool prng;
byte iv[AES::BLOCKSIZE];
prng.GenerateBlock(iv, sizeof(iv));
string iv = "5iFv54dCRq5icQbD7QHQzg==";
string decodedIv;
StringSource(iv, true, new Base64Decoder(new StringSink(decodedIv)));
const byte* ivByte = (const byte *);
byte derivedKey[32];
PKCS5_PBKDF2_HMAC<CryptoPP::SHA1> pbkdf2;
pbkdf2.DeriveKey(derivedKey, 32, 0, keyByte, 32, ivByte, 16, 100);
* derivedKey: 9tRyXCoQLTbUOLqm3M4OPGT6N25g+o0K090fVp/hflk=
// string key = "Y1Mjycd0+O+AendY5pB58JMlmS0EmBWgjdj2r2KW6qQ="; // need to convert it to byte data
string key = Convert.FromBase64String("Y1Mjycd0+O+AendY5pB58JMlmS0EmBWgjdj2r2KW6qQ="); // change above to this
RijndaelManaged symKey = new RijndaelManaged();
symKey.GenerateIV(); /* Assume hardcoded IV same as above */
Rfc2898DeriveBytes derivedKey = new Rfc2898DeriveBytes (key, symKey.IV, 100);
* derivedKey: dZqBpZKyUPKn8pU4pyyeAw7Rg8uYd6yyj3WI1MIJSyc=
// var key = "Y1Mjycd0+O+AendY5pB58JMlmS0EmBWgjdj2r2KW6qQ="; // need to convert it to byte data
var key = new Buffer("Y1Mjycd0+O+AendY5pB58JMlmS0EmBWgjdj2r2KW6qQ=", "base64"); // changed above to this
var iv = crypto.randomBytes(16);
iv = "5iFv54dCRq5icQbD7QHQzg=="; /* HARDCODE IV */
crypto.pbkdf2(key, iv, 100, 32, function(err, derivedKey) { }
* derivedKey: dZqBpZKyUPKn8pU4pyyeAw7Rg8uYd6yyj3WI1MIJSyc=
Well the main questions is, what am I doing wrong on C++'s CryptoPP library that it is not deriving the same value.
SOLUTION: I was being dumb... I realized after review my original implementation on JavaScript and C# I missed a crucial step that for some reason I did not get a complain from the compiler. Basically the problem was that I did not convert the key used into byte data before the algorithm on my C# and JS implementation...
Anyways, proposed solution is: do not code at 4 AM and make sure to be consistent on your data conversion...
I guess the TL;DR of this is that C# and JS was converting my 256bit key to byte data as ASCII instead of base64 conversion.