How to get all sessions in Vaadin

2019-02-17 07:16发布


I want to know How many users are connected to my application in real time. I got the idea to loop on number of session that are open but I can't find how to do that. If you have another way to do it your suggestions are welcome.


Best solution i found so far is to count the sessions when they are created and destroyed.

public class VaadinSessionListener{

    private static volatile int activeSessions = 0;

    public static class VaadinSessionInitListener implements SessionInitListener{

        public void sessionInit(SessionInitEvent event) throws ServiceException {


    public static class VaadinSessionDestroyListener implements SessionDestroyListener{

        public void sessionDestroy(SessionDestroyEvent event) {

             * check if HTTP Session is closing
            if(event.getSession() != null && event.getSession().getSession() != null){


    public static Integer getActiveSessions() {
        return activeSessions;

    private synchronized static void decSessionCounter(){
        if(activeSessions > 0){

    private synchronized static void incSessionCounter(){

then add the SessionListeners in the VaadinServlet init() method

@WebServlet(urlPatterns = "/*", asyncSupported = true)
@VaadinServletConfiguration(productionMode = true, ui = MyUI.class)
public static class Servlet extends VaadinServlet {

    public void init(ServletConfig servletConfig) throws ServletException {


         * Vaadin SessionListener
        getService().addSessionInitListener(new VaadinSessionListener.VaadinSessionInitListener());
        getService().addSessionDestroyListener(new VaadinSessionListener.VaadinSessionDestroyListener());    



Here is a non-Answer. I mistakenly thought the cited method answers the Question, but it does not. Consider this a retraction; rather than delete this Answer I'll leave it so that others avoid making my mistake.


With Vaadin 7.2 came the addition of a static method, VaadinSession.getAllSessions. For history, see Ticket # 13053.

That method returns a Collection of VaadinSession objects attached to a single HttpSession.

This method tells you how many VaadinSession objects are running for a single user’s HttpSession, but does not tell you how many overall users are on your Vaadin app server.