I'm a beginner in C# and trying to use Sublime Text for my editor.
But the default console doesn't seem to support "Console.ReadLine();"
I can't find anywhere that I can type my input with.
I searched some plug-ins, and found this REPL and CSharpreter.
However, REPL doesn't seem to support C#
and even when I try to load other languages, error message like this pops up.
What can be a good solution? Please help!
You're looking for a combination of scriptcs, scriptcs-sublime and SublimeREPL. They will let you write and execute C# code inside Sublime Text easily.
Steps to install:
Install chocolatey (like apt-get for Windows) by running the following PowerShell command:
@powershell -NoProfile -ExecutionPolicy unrestricted -Command "iex ((new-object
&& SET PATH=%PATH%;%systemdrive%\chocolatey\bin
Install scriptcs by running the following command in your CLI
cinst scriptcs
Install Sublime Package Control (if you don't have it already). You can find the installation guide here.
Go to Menu > Tools > Command Palette
and type Install Package
, then find and install
Restart Sublime
- Go to
Menu > Tools > Command Palette
and select SublimeREPL: ScriptCS
You should now be running the scriptcs REPL inside Sublime Text :)
If you want to develop C# code, MS Visual Studio is best way to do it.
It has also express edition which is free.