I'm trying to include TypeScript files in my automatic git deploy so I can showcase code for a framework I'm building. However, whenever I deploy to azurewebsites the deployments do not include the TypeScript files.
Site in question: http://endgate-samples.azurewebsites.net/Samples/AnimatedSprites/
What I've tried:
Copy all TypeScript files to output folder by setting TypeScript properties to "Copy Always". Issue with this is that I need to change the references to all the files (do not want to do this).
MSBuild pipeline. This works for file system deploy but not web deploy... https://github.com/NTaylorMullen/EndGate/blob/master/EndGate/samples/EndGate.Core.JS.Samples/EndGate.Core.JS.Samples.csproj#L896-L909.
Manual publish to FTP endpoint (works like a charm), but not automatic. Also requires the msbuild pipeline (#2)
What am I doing wrong or what can I do (that I haven't tried) to get my TypeScript files deploying automagically?