Serial Port Communication on the same Windows mach

2019-02-17 05:52发布


Excuse me, quick question:

I have this hardware setup:

Same machine: "Com3" -> USB -> To Serial -> To USB -> "Com4"

And I followed MSDN SerialPort Class and MSDN SerialPort.ReadLine() to build this routine:

SerialPort SendSerialPort = new SerialPort("Com3", 9600);
SerialPort ReceiveSerialPort = new SerialPort("Com4", 9600);


var message = ReceiveSerialPort.ReadLine(); // control stops here



However, when I tend to ReadLine(), my control stops and just waits. I did not expect that.

I am expecting to receive the string Test and assign it to my var message. Could you please tell me what am I doing wrong here?


I tested my hardware using the Serial Port Utility Application and it worked just fine.


I've altered from the example you linked:

To actually have both ports running to read and write back and forth you will actually need to implement threading for reading and writing for both.

It can be a good idea to use a timer.

public static void Main()
    SerialPort SendSerialPort = new SerialPort("Com3", 9600);
    SerialPort ReceiveSerialPort = new SerialPort("Com4", 9600);

    StringComparer stringComparer = StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase;
    Thread readThread = new Thread(Read);

    // Set the read/write timeouts
    _serialPort.ReadTimeout = 500;
    _serialPort.WriteTimeout = 500;

    bool _continue = true;

    Console.Write("Name: ");
    name = Console.ReadLine();

    Console.WriteLine("Type QUIT to exit");

    while (_continue)
        message = Console.ReadLine();

        if (stringComparer.Equals("quit", message))
            _continue = false;
            SendSerialPort.WriteLine(String.Format("<{0}>: {1}", name, message));

public static void Read()
    while (_continue)
            string message = ReceiveSerialPort.ReadLine();
        catch (TimeoutException) { }

Usually there will be a beginning and end value within the written data to tell the other port that the message is finished and also for the ports to validate that they are reading data they should be, usually with commands of what to do with that data. (out of scope for this question).

Also lacking and important is the intialisation of your ports.

I prefer to use the default constructor (preference only)

SerialPort Constructor ()

And then set any values like so:

_serialPort.BaudRate = SetPortBaudRate(_serialPort.BaudRate);
_serialPort.Parity = SetPortParity(_serialPort.Parity);
_serialPort.DataBits = SetPortDataBits(_serialPort.DataBits);
_serialPort.StopBits = SetPortStopBits(_serialPort.StopBits);
_serialPort.Handshake = SetPortHandshake(_serialPort.Handshake);

All the constructors will give these values:

This constructor uses default property values when none are specified. For example, the DataBits property defaults to 8, the Parity property defaults to the None enumeration value, the StopBits property defaults to 1, and a default port name of COM1.

Even the handshake has a default value. If you look at the source code.

private const Handshake defaultHandshake = Handshake.None;


The problem with your code is in this line

var message = ReceiveSerialPort.ReadLine();

You block your code to wait for a line, if the line never arrives it will remain here forever or the value set to ReadTimeout

So why does the line never arrive?

The problem can be an error in WriteLine("Test");, you should handle errors, or it can be that your in are blocking your code ReadLine() before the WriteLine("Test") manage to come through, you could insert a Thread.Sleep(100) between, but this is not really improving the code.

Note: Your code will also work as is sometimes, depending on these race conditions.

This synchronized / blocking reading from serial ports seems simple in code just one line; but it creates a lot of negative side effects in your communication protocol's.

A much better solution (considering that you like to Read / Write data from a microcontroller) is to either use a thread as Yvette suggested or use asynchronously reading Stream.BeginRead (Byte[], Int32, Int32, AsyncCallback, Object) which I would prefer.

The asynchronously reading will throw an event when something is incoming on the serial port. The basic idea of this programming strategy is to not do step programming but expecting what ever result and then handle it correctly.

In communications protocol with asynchronously reading the AutoResetEvent is very useful, hence you send something, then you start the AutoResetEvent, if asynchronously the expected result is arriving you will set this event and your code can continue, if it does not arrive the AutoResetEvent will timeout and you can handle this.


It cannot block when there is data available. What you sent either got stuck in the transmit buffer, got lost due to a wiring mistake, triggered an error or was ignored. If it works with another program then a wiring mistake can't be the problem.

Do keep in mind that just setting the Baudrate is not enough, you must also use set the DataBits, Parity and Stopbits properties to match the device settings. A mismatch can trigger an error, the kind you can only see when you write an event handler for the ErrorReceived event. Never skip that event, confounding problems can occur if you never check.

And above all the Handshake property must be set correctly. The proper value depends on how the ports are wired together, it is too common to not connect them. Start by setting it to Handshake.None so a wrong state for the DSR and CTS signals can't block reception and a wrong state for the DTR and RTS signals can't block transmission. Beware that it is common for another program to enable hardware handshaking, a mismatch is guaranteed to cause communications to stall.

If you use synchronous reads instead of the DataReceived event then you should in general deal with the possibility that a device is not responding. Either because it is powered off, not connected at all or malfunctioning. Use the ReadTimeout property for that so your program cannot hang. Aim high, 10000 milliseconds is a reasonable choice.

Beware the randomness of this problem, putzing around with another program can easily get the port configured correctly and now it will suddenly work. And beware that starting a thread accomplishes nothing, it will now be that thread that gets stuck and the Join() call will deadlock.