I am a rank noob at any reporting but horizontal lines with sub-totals. I have a dataset that comprises the times spent by cars in a carpark. I must produce a table showing a column for each hour and a row for each day, showing the number of entries at a particular time on a particular day.
I would find this easier in the RDLC designer, with it's columnar groupings, but I can't even find such a thing in Crystal.
Assuming the following fields: {table.car_id}
and {table.census_time}
- Choose Insert | Crosstab...; add cross-tab to report-header section
Right click the cross-tab and chose 'cross tab expert':
- Add
to the column-field list; group by hour
- Add
to the row-field list; group by day
- Add
to the summary-field list; count
** edit **
You don't need to create a special formula to extract the hour from the date/time field; the cross-tab will do that for you.
Select the 'Cross-Tab' tab, add the {table.census_time}
field, then click the 'Group Options...' button.
Choose 'for each hour.' from the picklist.
You need to create a table with a record for each hour:
Table DayHour
Period StartHour EndHour
00:00 - 01:00 0 1
01:00 - 02:00 1 2
02:00 - 03:00 2 3
03:00 - 04:00 3 4
23:00 - 00:00 23 24
Then left join your data with this table
SELECT h.Period, DATEPART(dd,d.EntryTime) as Day, 1 as Value
FROM DayHour h LEFT JOIN <YourData> d ON h.StartHour <=DATEPART(hh,d.EntryTime) and DATEPART(hh,d.EntryTime)<h.EndHour
This will return all the record with the time period and will return even a record if no vehicles entered the parking during a specific time frame. Drag and drop the Period column to the column section of the cross tab and Day column to the Rows sections. Drag Value column to the summary section.