I have an Ember.js app. In the main template I have a help button that when clicked should display a CSS tooltip. I have the tooltip is a separate Handlebars template.
What I'm trying to do is handle the click event to insert the popup into the DOM and display it. I cannot figure out how to insert new templates into the DOM using Ember.
Here's my template where the help button is displayed:
<div id="status_help" class="icon_help" {{action "helpClicked"}}></div>
Here's my primary view:
var checkbox = Ember.Checkbox.extend({
templateName: 'checkbox',
helpClicked: function(e) {
// Not sure what to do here
var tooltip = Ember.View.extend({
templateName: 'tooltip'
So I'm not sure what to do in the event handler to render the tooltip template and inject it into the DOM to be displayed.