I implemented a class that can write data to a serial port via a QQueue and read from it by a slot. I use QAsyncSerial for this which in turn uses boost::asio with a callback. The class is moved to a thread and its start() method is executed when the QThread emits "started()"
The problem is that I dequeue the QQueue in the start()-method using forever {} and a QWaitCondition. While this is running (which obviously runs forever) the slot connected to the dataReceived signal of QAsyncSerial can not be called, thus I never read anything from the serial port.
What is the usual approach to this problem?
SerialPortHandler::SerialPortHandler(SerialPort serialPort, QObject *parent) : QObject(parent), serialPort(serialPort)
m_enqueueMessageMutex = new QMutex();
m_messageQueue = new QQueue<BaseMessage*>();
m_waitCondition = new QWaitCondition();
serial.open(serialPort.deviceName(), 2400);
connect(&serial, SIGNAL(dataReceived(QByteArray)), this, SLOT(serialSlotReceivedData(QByteArray)));
void SerialPortHandler::serialSlotReceivedData(QByteArray line)
qDebug() << QString(line).toAscii();
void SerialPortHandler::sendTestPing()
PingMessage *msg = new PingMessage();
void SerialPortHandler::enqueueMessage(BaseMessage *msg)
QMutexLocker locker(m_enqueueMessageMutex);
void SerialPortHandler::start()
if (!serial.isOpen())
forever {
if (m_messageQueue->isEmpty())
BaseMessage *msg = m_messageQueue->dequeue();
The changed QAsyncSerial callback used by boost::asio:
void QAsyncSerial::readCallback(const char *data, size_t size)
emit dataReceived(QByteArray::fromRawData(data, (int) size));
I solved this problem with another approach. I ditched QAsyncSerial and instead used the CallbackAsyncSerial which is also distributed by QAsyncSerial directly. Now the callback used by boost::asio is the serialSlotReceivedData "slot". This "solves" the problem since the callback is called in the thread boost::asio runs in. Since it has its own thread it doesn't matter that the thread SerialPortHandler runs in is blocked by the forever loop.
New code: (since QAsyncSerial is something like a wrapper to CallbackAsyncSerial only some trivial things changed)
SerialPortHandler::SerialPortHandler(SerialPort serialPort, QObject *parent) : QObject(parent), serialPort(serialPort)
m_enqueueMessageMutex = new QMutex();
m_messageQueue = new QQueue<BaseMessage*>();
m_waitCondition = new QWaitCondition();
/* serial is now CallbackAsyncSerial and not QAsyncSerial */
serial.open(QString(serialPort.deviceName()).toStdString(), 2400);
serial.setCallback(bind(&SerialPortHandler::serialSlotReceivedData, this, _1, _2));
m_messageProcessingState = MessageProcessingState::Inactive;
void SerialPortHandler::start()
if (!serial.isOpen())
forever {
if (m_messageQueue->isEmpty())
BaseMessage *msg = m_messageQueue->dequeue();
QByteArray encodedMessage = msg->encodeForWriting();
serial.write(encodedMessage.constData(), encodedMessage.length());