I'm trying to implement product impressions on a ecommerce catalog page using google analytics enhanced ecommerce tracking.
Following the specs one should implement it like this:
ga('create', 'UA-XXXXX-Y');
ga('require', 'ec');
ga('ec:addImpression', {
'id': 'P12345', // Product details are provided in an impressionFieldObject.
'name': 'Android Warhol T-Shirt',
'category': 'Apparel/T-Shirts',
'brand': 'Google',
'variant': 'black',
'list': 'Search Results',
'position': 1 // 'position' indicates the product position in the list.
ga('ec:addImpression', {
'id': 'P67890',
'name': 'YouTube Organic T-Shirt',
'type': 'view',
'category': 'Apparel/T-Shirts',
'brand': , 'YouTube',
'variant': 'gray',
'list': 'Search Results',
'position': 2
ga('send', 'pageview'); // Send product impressions with initial pageview.
Although the specs show a track pageview event. In order to send REAL impressions I wanted to trigger the beacon once the user scrolled down. To do that I've triggered the event through a "lazy loader" which loads gradually the images on the catalog using the event 'ga(send, impression)' but it won't work and if I do that with additional pageviews events I would be corrupting my pageviews metric on GA.
Does anyone have ideas on how to solve that?