Is it possible to have an EditText that allows multilines and doesn't show the suggestions? I tried with this code:
Which I saw in this question, but it didn't work for me. If I try to use both at the same time, the EditText supports multiline, but the suggestions appear. Separately, they work properly.
Is this a bug in the SDK? Or maybe it is not possible to combine them?
This is supposed to do what you want:
Although I haven't tried it myself. "textNoSuggestions" is only available since API 5.
If you created Edittext Dynamically and want to achieve Multiline & No autosuggest then you need to use: setRawInputType
you can also use android:SingleLine="false"
to use multiline for an EditText
Warning: it looks like this is API version dependent.
option alone works for me on a tab running 3.1 (no suggestion when typing) but it does not work on a smartphone running 2.2 (still suggest when typing).
On 2.2 I use :
Annoying none the less if we have to check against all different API...
It is working on android 2.3.x and above.
Works for me
A bit later than the others & the answer has been accepted, but after some testing on various devices, some keyboards ignore textFilter and textNoSuggestion, the only way that I've found to guarantee no keyboard is using textVisiblePassword
If you want it on a multi-line, you can use:
Note that it has little to do with the API level, but more to do with the keyboard installed - the default Samsung keyboard on slightly older devices, SwiftKey & TouchPal definitely ignore textFilter & textNoSuggestion
I hope this helps someone else in the future