All documemtation and information shows that we have to have an MQ Series client installed on the machine where we want to use it.
Does anyone know of a DLL (or whatever) that allows us to include MQ Series support in a .net project that does not require a local install?
The official answer is "no," although I'm sure someone will find a way to do it.
IBM only supports the full client install. So you probably don't want to use a partial install in Production, even if you could get it to work. And if you don't use it in Production and develop on a partial install then there are risks of the application failing in catastrophic or (worse!) subtle ways during the migration from Dev to Prod.
The client is free so the issue is usually one of not having admin access to perform the install. If that's the case here and it's a big problem then please submit it as an enhancement request so that IBM registers the requirement.
If you need it, the WMQ Client is downloadable for free (as in beer) as SupportPac MQC7.
OK, we have a result.
Use a .net wrapper around the Java JMS libraries that don't require a local install..
I am using .NET (C#) and all I needed was the two dlls that you can grab from you IBM client installation directory.
Then in your .NET code (if you are using .NET that is)
using IBM.WMQ;
I have developed one client for IBM MQ with very light weight component, can you please check:
Grab the 2 dlls from the WMQ bin folder: amqmdnet.dll amqmdxcs.dll
I found for WMQ 7.5 you need to register the 2 dll's in the GAC for it to work correctly. you need admin persmissions to register them.
the reference the libraries in your project to use the native WMQ objects