Backbone.js: correct way of filtering a collection

2019-02-16 20:12发布


The current method I'm using is to filter a collection, which returns an array, and use


to re-populate it. However, this modifies the original collection, so I added an array called "originalCollectionArray" which keeps track of the initial array state of the collection. When no filtering is active I simply use


But then, I need to keep track of adding and removing models from the real collection, so I did this:

// inside collection
initialize: function(params){
    this.originalCollectionArray = params;
    this.on('add', this.addInOriginal, this);
    this.on('remove', this.removeInOriginal, this);
addInOriginal: function(model){
removeInOriginal: function(model){
    this.originalTasks = _(this.originalTasks).reject(function(val){
        return == model.get('id');
filterBy: function(params){
    this.reset(this.originalCollectionArray, {silent: true});
    var filteredColl = this.filter(function(item){
        // filter code...

This is quickly becoming cumbersome as I try to implement other tricks related to the manipulation of the collection, such as sorting. And frankly, my code looks a bit hacky. Is there an elegant way of doing this?



You could create a collection as a property of the main collection reflecting the state of the filters:

var C = Backbone.Collection.extend({
    initialize: function (models) {
        this.filtered = new Backbone.Collection(models);
        this.on('add', this.refilter);
        this.on('remove', this.refilter);

    filterBy: function (params){
        var filteredColl = this.filter(function(item){
          // ...

        this.filtered.params = params;

    refilter: function() {

The parent collection keeps its models whatever filters you applied, and you bind to the filtered collection to know when a change has occurred. Binding internally on the add and remove events lets you reapply the filter. See for a demo.


The major problem on your code is that you are using a raw array as original, instead of a Collection. My code is close to the yours but use only Collections, so methods like add, remove and filter works on the original:

  var OriginalCollection = Backbone.Collection.extend({
  var FilteredCollection = Backbone.Collection.extend({
    initialize: function(originalCol){
        this.originalCol = originalCol;
        this.on('add', this.addInOriginal, this);
        this.on('remove', this.removeInOriginal, this);
    addInOriginal: function(model){
    removeInOriginal: function(model){
    filterBy: function(params){
        var filteredColl = this.originalCol.filter(function(item){
            // filter code...