I have this app https://github.com/staticdev/django-crud-utils that need to have django-sorting installed to work. But it can't be the original django-sorting, but a fork I made: https://github.com/staticdev/django-sorting
How do I put it in the setup.py file for packaging?
Include it as an editable requirement, and note that you must explicitly mention the egg name:
-e git+https://github.com/staticdev/django-sorting#egg=django-sorting
For more options see http://www.pip-installer.org/en/latest/requirements.html
Edit your setup.py
and add an entry to dependency_links
dependency_links = [
While your install_requires
has something like:
If you want to use requirements files, follow Yuval Adam's advice.
-e git+https://github.com/staticdev/django-sorting.git#django-sorting