
Getting Exchange Appointments by ICalUid?

2019-02-16 17:41发布


So I'm creating Exchange (2007) Appointments with a given ICalUid:

var app = new Appointment(svc);
app.ICalUid = id;
app.Subject = "Test Appointment";
app.Recurrence = new Recurrence.DailyPattern(DateTime.Now, 3);
app.AllowNewTimeProposal = false;
app.Body = new MessageBody(BodyType.HTML, "This is a <b>Test!</b>");

Later on, I would like to update that appointment, at which point I need to find it through the ICalUid.

However, there seems to be no way to do that? I can use Appointment.Bind only against the Exchange ID, which I don't have at the time of update (storing it is highly impractical)

I can create a new appointment with the same ICalUid, which seems to behave like an update, but asks to Accept/Reject again instead of just displaying "No Update Required".

Is there any proper way to do that?


You can use a ExchangeService.FindItems to search for the Appointment with the ICalUid - see the example below. Note though, it has a problem finding Appointments that are recurring.


  • http://social.technet.microsoft.com/Forums/fi-FI/exchangesvrdevelopment/thread/26c2f76d-93bb-4a70-80e8-cf6cc9c66254

Shame you aren't using Exchange 2010, as there is a getICalUID() in EWS Managed API 1.1.5.

Here are some other links that may allow you to get a more satisfactory solution.

  • http://blogs.msdn.com/b/mstehle/archive/2009/09/02/ews-uid-not-always-the-same-for-orphaned-instances-of-the-same-meeting.aspx

  • http://social.technet.microsoft.com/Forums/en-US/exchangesvrdevelopment/thread/09883d57-e2a2-4db6-8800-9b9d251d6231/

  • http://social.technet.microsoft.com/Forums/pl-PL/exchangesvrdevelopment/thread/5b67df1d-0a15-40cf-aa5e-ca811087d16d

  • http://social.technet.microsoft.com/Forums/en/exchangesvrdevelopment/thread/a9148747-b51c-4b86-b942-27c1e87f4440

  • http://social.technet.microsoft.com/Forums/fi-FI/exchangesvrdevelopment/thread/1bab6e2c-805c-4999-babf-cc7c4aa0d669

  • http://social.technet.microsoft.com/Forums/pl-PL/exchangesvrdevelopment/thread/09057b7d-45d7-48df-8ca1-df119637ff60


check the two FindAppointments methods of ExchangeService




Doesn't seem that 2007 has a way at all.