I wanted to make sure about something in Java:
If I have a Character or an Integer or a Long and those sort of things, should I use equals or is == sufficient?
I know that with strings there are no guarantees that there is only one instance of each unique string, but I'm not sure about other boxed types.
My intuition is to use equals, but I want to make sure I'm not wasting performance.
EDIT: The spec makes some guarantees for boxing conversions. From section 5.1.7:
If the value p being boxed is true,
false, a byte, a char in the range
\u0000 to \u007f, or an int or short
number between -128 and 127, then let
r1 and r2 be the results of any two
boxing conversions of p. It is always
the case that r1 == r2.
The implementation can use a larger pool, mind you.
I would really avoid writing code which relies on that though. Not because it might fail, but because it's not obvious - few people will know the spec that well. (I previously thought it was implementation-dependent.)
You should use equals
or compare the underlying values, i.e.
if (foo.equals(bar))
if (foo.intValue() == bar.intValue())
Note that even if the autoboxing were guaranteed to use fixed values, other callers can always create separate instances anyway.
If you want to compare anything about the value of any object, use .equals()
Even (and especially) if those Objects are the primitive wrapper types Byte, Character, Short, Integer, Long, Float, Double and Boolean.
" only ever compares the object identity and you that's very, very rarely what you want. And de-facto never what you want with the primitive wrappers.
Only use ==
in one of those two scenarios:
- all values involved in the comparison are primitive types (and preferably not floating point numbers)
- you really want to know if two references refer to the same object (this includes comparison of
s, because there the value is bound to the object identity)
//Quick test
public class Test {
public static void main(String[] args) {
System.out.println("Are they equal? "+ (new Long(5) == new Long(5)));
"Are they equal? 0"
No, they're not equal. You must use .equals or compare their primitive values.
Java Language Spec 5.1.7:
If the value p being boxed is true,
false, a byte, a char in the range
\u0000 to \u007f, or an int or short
number between -128 and 127, then let
r1 and r2 be the results of any two
boxing conversions of p. It is always
the case that r1 == r2.
Ideally, boxing a given primitive
value p, would always yield an
identical reference. In practice, this
may not be feasible using existing
implementation techniques. The rules
above are a pragmatic compromise. The
final clause above requires that
certain common values always be boxed
into indistinguishable objects. The
implementation may cache these, lazily
or eagerly.
For other values, this formulation
disallows any assumptions about the
identity of the boxed values on the
programmer's part. This would allow
(but not require) sharing of some or
all of these references.
This ensures that in most common
cases, the behavior will be the
desired one, without imposing an undue
performance penalty, especially on
small devices. Less memory-limited
implementations might, for example,
cache all characters and shorts, as
well as integers and longs in the
range of -32K - +32K.
So, in some cases == will work, in many others it will not. Always use .equals to be safe since you cannot grantee (generally) how the instances were obtained.
If speed is a factor (most .equals start with an == comparison, or at least they should) AND you can gurantee how they were allocated AND they fit in the above ranges then == is safe.
Some VMs may increase that size, but it is safer to assume the smallest size as specified by the langauge spec than to rely on a particular VM behaviour, unless you really really really need to.
Implementations of the equals(Object o) method almost always start with
if(this == o) return true;
so using equals
even if ==
is true is really not much of a performance hit.
I recommend always* using the equals
method on objects.
* of course there are a very few times when you should not take this advice.
The general answer is no, you are not guaranteed that for the same numeric value, the Long objects you get are the same (even if you restrict yourself to using Long.valueOf()).
However, it is possible that you would get a performance improvement by first trying to test the equality of references (using ==) and then, if failed, trying equals(). It all hinges on the comparative costs of the additional == test and the method call... Your mileage may vary, but it is worth trying a simple loop test to see which is better.
It is worth noting that auto-boxed values will uses pooled object if they are available. This is why (Integer) 0 == (Integer) 0 but (Integer) 128 != (Integer) 128 for Java 6u13
I like to see the result visually:
public static void main(String[] args)
Integer a = 126; //no boxed up conversion, new object ref
Integer b = 126; //no boxed up conversion, re-use memory address
System.out.println("Are they equal? " + (a == b)); // true
Integer a1 = 140; //boxed up conversion, new object
Integer b1 = 140; //boxed up conversion, new object
System.out.println("Are they equal? " + (a1 == b1)); // false
System.out.println("Are they equal? " + (new Long(5) == new Long(5))); // false
compares the object reference while equals(Object obj)
compares for object equality. If there can ever be more than one instance of an equals object in existence then you must use equals
for equality comparison.
Integer i1 = new Integer(12345);
Integer i2 = new Integer(12345);
these are different object instances but are equal according to Integer's equality, so you must use equals(Object obj)
public enum Gender {
in this case there will only be one instance of FEMALE
in existence so ==
is safe to use.