I'm using "parametrized" feature of junit 4 and I noticed that @parameters method is executed before @beforeclass method. This is creating a problem for me because the parameters i'm passing to the test cases via @parameters depends on the code initialize in the @beforeclass method. For example
public class TestOtherClass {
String argument;
private static boolean initializeThis;
public TestOtherClass(String parameter) throws Exception {
public static void doSetup() {
System.out.println("Doing setup before class...");
initializeThis=true; // true or false, based on some condition
public void otherTest() {
System.out.println("Other test: " + argument);
public static Collection<Object[]> getData(){
System.out.println("Inside parameter");
String addThis;
addThis="adding true";
addThis="adding false";
Object[] para1 = new Object[]{"First parameter :: " + addThis};
Object[] para2 = new Object[]{"Second parameter :: " + addThis};
Collection<Object[]> classNames = new ArrayList<Object[]>();
return classNames;
Now, I'm initializing variable "initializeThis" to true in @beforeclass method but (surprisingly) when I executed the test case it prints
Other test: First parameter :: adding false
Other test: Second parameter :: adding false
That is something not expected.
My question is; is there any way to execute the @beforeclass method before @parameters, can we do this is in junit 4?
I would use just plain old java static {..} initializer instead of @BeforeClass, e.g.:
public class TestOtherClass {
String argument;
private static boolean initializeThis;
public TestOtherClass(String parameter) throws Exception {
static {
// @BeforeClass
public static void doSetup() {
System.out.println("Doing setup before class...");
initializeThis=true; // true or false, based on some condition
public void otherTest() {
System.out.println("Other test: " + argument);
public static Collection<Object[]> getData(){
System.out.println("Inside parameter");
String addThis;
addThis="adding true";
addThis="adding false";
Object[] para1 = new Object[]{"First parameter :: " + addThis};
Object[] para2 = new Object[]{"Second parameter :: " + addThis};
Collection<Object[]> classNames = new ArrayList<Object[]>();
return classNames;
Only drawback I know is that classes inherited from this won't be able to override static initializer, while @BeforeClass gives some freedom in this aspect;
This is old question but I had the same issue recently. It strikes me that none of the solutions seem to go for the most obvious workaround - calling the @BeforeClass method in the @Parameters method. The latter is static and executed only once - before any of the tests have been run. So, it is for all intents and purposes a @BeforeClass method even though it is not annotated as such. More details can be found here: http://feraldeveloper.blogspot.co.uk/2013/12/beforeclass-and-parametrized-junit-tests.html
JUnit creates a Runner
for each item in the parameter list, a Runner
is what encapsulates the test method. So the @Parameters
will always get executed before the @BeforeClass.
However, you can combine the @Parameterized with Assume. You always include all of the parameters in your list, whether or not you intend executing it. Then in the test method, add the assumeTrue()
which tests against the initializeThis
public class TestOtherClassAssume {
private final String argument;
private final boolean initializeThisTest;
private static boolean initializeThis;
public static Collection<Object[]> getData(){
System.out.println("Inside parameter");
return Arrays.asList(new Object[][] {
{ false, "First" },
{ true, "Second" },
public TestOtherClassAssume(boolean initializeThisTest, String argument) {
this.initializeThisTest = initializeThisTest;
this.argument = argument;
public static void doSetup() {
System.out.println("Doing setup before class...");
initializeThis = true; // true or false, based on some condition
public void otherTest() {
Assume.assumeTrue(initializeThis == initializeThisTest);
System.out.println("Other test: " + argument);
The output from this is:
Inside parameter
Doing setup before class...
Other test: Second
However, this does not work with TestSuites.
public class TogglableParameterizedTest {
static boolean useAllParameters = false;
int parameter;
public TogglableParameterizedTest(int parameter) {
this.parameter = parameter;
public static Collection<Object[]> getTestParameters() {
List<Object[]> parameters = new ArrayList<Object[]>();
if(useAllParameters) {
parameters.add(new Object[] { 1 });
parameters.add(new Object[] { 2 });
parameters.add(new Object[] { 3 });
else {
parameters.add(new Object[] { 1 });
return parameters;
public void test() {
System.out.println("parameter=" + parameter);
This does not work:
@SuiteClasses({ TogglableParameterizedTest.class })
public class NonWorkingTestSuite1 {
public static void toggle() {
System.out.println("sets flag to late!");
The output is
sets flag to late!
Nor that:
@SuiteClasses({ TogglableParameterizedTest.class })
public class NonWorkingTestSuite2 {
static {
System.out.println("sets flag still to late");
TogglableParameterizedTest.useAllParameters = true;
The output is "parameter=1". So the static initializer not executed at all.
I found the following workaround.
Extend "Suite" and insert the static initializer there:
public class TogglingSuite extends Suite {
static {
System.out.println("sets flag early enough!");
TogglableParameterizedTest.useAllParameters = true;
public TogglingSuite(Class<?> klass, Class<?>[] suiteClasses)
throws InitializationError {
super(klass, suiteClasses);
public TogglingSuite(Class<?> klass, List<Runner> runners)
throws InitializationError {
super(klass, runners);
public TogglingSuite(Class<?> klass, RunnerBuilder builder)
throws InitializationError {
super(klass, builder);
public TogglingSuite(RunnerBuilder builder, Class<?> klass,
Class<?>[] suiteClasses) throws InitializationError {
super(builder, klass, suiteClasses);
public TogglingSuite(RunnerBuilder builder, Class<?>[] classes)
throws InitializationError {
super(builder, classes);
and use it in your test suite:
@SuiteClasses({ TogglableParameterizedTest.class })
public class WorkingTestSuite {
The output is
sets flag early enough!
Now it works.