Set Location Center of Map - GMaps v2 - Android

2019-02-16 13:54发布


How do I set the center of the map to a specific location using GMaps v2? This is how I did it using GMaps v1:

public void setCenter( LatLng point )
  if( point.latitude*1000000 != 0 && point.longitude*1000000 != 0 )
     if( mMapController != null )
        mMapController.setCenter( point );
     /*else if( mOpenStreetMapViewControllerSource != null )
        mOpenStreetMapViewControllerSource.getController().setCenter( new org.osmdroid.util.GeoPoint( point.getLatitudeE6(), point.getLongitudeE6() ) );
        mPostponedSetCenterPoint = point;

I have looked through the API for GMaps v2 and can't find and similar functionality. How do I do this?


You can try:

map.moveCamera(CameraUpdateFactory.newLatLngZoom(new LatLng(latitude, longitude), zoom));

where map is the GoogleMap instance.


public void onMapReady(GoogleMap googleMap) {
    final LatLng SYDNEY = new LatLng(-33.87365, 151.20689);
    googleMap.addMarker(new MarkerOptions().position(SYDNEY));
    googleMap.moveCamera(CameraUpdateFactory.newLatLngZoom(SYDNEY, 4.0f));