Regular Expression for domain from email address

2019-02-16 14:19发布


Can anyone help me with a regular expression that will return the end part of an email address, after the @ symbol? I'm new to regex, but want to learn how to use it rather than writing inefficient .Net string functions!

E.g. for an input of "" I need an output of "".

Cheers! Tim


A regular expression is quite heavy machinery for this purpose. Just split the string containing the email address at the @ character, and take the second half. (An email address is guaranteed to contain only one @ character.)



This will match with the @, then capture everything up until the end of input ($)


This is a general-purpose e-mail matcher:


Note that it only captures the domain group; if you use the following, you can capture the part proceeding the @ also:


I'm not sure if this meets RFC 2822, but I doubt it.


Wow, all the answers here are not quite right.

An email address can have as many "@" as you want, and the last one isn't necessarily the one before the domain :(

for example, this is a valid email address:'m a comment (with an @))

You'd have to be pretty mean to make that your email address though.

So first, parse out any comments at the end.


int atIndex = emailAddress.LastIndexOf("@");
String domainPart = emailAddress.Substring(atIndex + 1);


A simple regex for your input is:


But, it can be useless when you apply for a broad and heterogeneous domains.

An example is:


But, you can optimize that suffix domains as you need.

But for your suffix needs, you need just:




// now you want to fetch gmail from input user PHP's inbuilt function 
preg_match('/@(.*)/', $input, $output);
echo $output[1]; // it'll print ""
  • Documentation of function : preg_match()


Try this regular expression:




I am no expert but the above expression is what you need to grab the domain from an e-mail, at least as far as I can tell.

The problem is as pointed out that you grab not only the domain but the "@" and ".". To access the domain name in regex you use "$2"and to preserve the "@" and ".", you could use an expression like:


The site above is a good place to try regex to see how and if it works.