Intellij IDEA 15: Unindexed remote maven repositor

2019-02-16 11:33发布


I created a Java Gradle project in IntelliJ IDEA 15.0.3. But I am getting the following error.

Unindexed remote maven repositories found. Disable...
        The following repositories used in your gradle projects were not indexed yet:
        If you want to use dependency completion for these repositories artifacts,
        Open Repositories List, select required repositories and press "Update" button (show balloon)

When I open the repositories list and click update, I am getting the following error

java.lang.RuntimeException: Transfer for failed


In your build.gradle repositories section replace mavencentral() with another mirror, like so:

repositories {
    maven {
        url ""

then when you get the "Unindexed remote maven repositories found" go to the repositories view and press update. that should do it


A possible (though not the only cause for this issue is, that you are behind a firewall that is blocking your connection). In this case you may need to configure a proxy server for Maven.

In my case it helped to just create a new file named settings.xml with the following contents and place it under C:\Users\<username>\.m2\ (or ~/.m2 on linux):

      <id>HTTP proxy</id>

      <id>HTTPS proxy</id>

Replace host and port for your specific environment.


Adding proxy settings to VM options worked. This answer helped me to set the proxy settings on IntelliJ for Maven