I need to make swift static library for my requirement. I made swift static library which uses swift and Obj-c code. I have included Obj-c files via bridge file. I am able to compile swift static library without any error and get libMySwift.a file. I use Xcode9.3 with Swift4 to compile library.
I include libMySwift.a in obj-c project and also included obj-c compatible header to access my lib in the project. When I try to compile the project it give below warning and more than 200 errors.
Auto-Linking library not found for -lswiftSwiftOnoneSupport
Auto-Linking library not found for -lswiftCore
Auto-Linking library not found for -lswiftQuartzCore
Auto-Linking library not found for -lswiftCoreImage
Auto-Linking library not found for -lswiftCoreGraphics
Auto-Linking library not found for -lswiftObjectiveC
Auto-Linking library not found for -lswiftDispatch
Auto-Linking library not found for -lswiftMetal
Auto-Linking library not found for -lswiftFoundation
Auto-Linking library not found for -lswiftUIKit
Auto-Linking library not found for -lswiftDarwin
Auto-Linking library not found for -lswiftCoreFoundation
Please let me know if I am missing any steps or need to add anything.