How to replace value in mysql column by query like, Column is options
and its of type varchar(255)
id options
1 A|10|B|20|C|30
2 A|Positive|B|Negative
id options
1 A|10,B|20,C|30
2 A|Positive,B|Negative
I am doing it by php like this.
$str = "A|10|B|20|C|30";
$arr = explode("|",$str);
$newArr = array();
if($arr[$i] && $arr[$i+1]){
$newArr[] = $arr[$i]."|".$arr[$i+1];
echo "Before:".$str."\n";
echo "After :".implode(",",$newArr);
So instead of PHP, I want to do this in MySQL.
You should consider to store your data in a normalized schema. In your case the table should look like:
| id | k | v |
| 1 | A | 10 |
| 1 | B | 20 |
| 1 | C | 30 |
| 2 | A | Positive |
| 2 | B | Negative |
This schema is more flexible and you will see why.
So how to convert the given data into the new schema? You will need a helper table containing sequence numbers. Since your column is varchar(255)
you can only store 128 values (+ 127 delimiters) in it. But let's just create 1000 numbers. You can use any table with enough rows. But since any MySQL server has the information_schema.columns
table, I will use it.
drop table if exists helper_sequence;
create table helper_sequence (i int auto_increment primary key)
select null as i
from information_schema.columns c1
join information_schema.columns c2
limit 1000;
We will use this numbers as position of the values in your string by joining the two tables.
To extract a value from a delimited string you can use the substring_index()
function. The value at position i
will be
substring_index(substring_index(t.options, '|', i ), '|', -1)
In your string you have a sequence of keys followed by its values. The position of a key is an odd number. So if the position of the key is i
, the position of the corresponding value will be i+1
To get the number of the delimiters in the string and limit our join we can use
char_length(t.options) - char_length(replace(t.options, '|', ''))
The query to store the data in a normalized form would be:
create table normalized_table
, substring_index(substring_index(t.options, '|', i ), '|', -1) as k
, substring_index(substring_index(t.options, '|', i+1), '|', -1) as v
from old_table t
join helper_sequence s
on s.i <= char_length(t.options) - char_length(replace(t.options, '|', ''))
where s.i % 2 = 1
Now run select * from normalized_table
and you will get this:
| id | k | v |
| 1 | A | 10 |
| 1 | B | 20 |
| 1 | C | 30 |
| 2 | A | Positive |
| 2 | B | Negative |
So why is this format a better choice? Besides many other reasons, one is that you can easily convert it to your old schema with
select id, group_concat(concat(k, '|', v) order by k separator '|') as options
from normalized_table
group by id;
| id | options |
| 1 | A|10|B|20|C|30 |
| 2 | A|Positive|B|Negative |
or to your desired format
select id, group_concat(concat(k, '|', v) order by k separator ',') as options
from normalized_table
group by id;
| id | options |
| 1 | A|10,B|20,C|30 |
| 2 | A|Positive,B|Negative |
If you don't care about normalization and just want this task to be done, you can update your table with
update old_table o
join (
select id, group_concat(concat(k, '|', v) order by k separator ',') as options
from normalized_table
group by id
) n using (id)
set o.options = n.options;
And drop the normalized_table
But then you won't be able to use simple queries like
select *
from normalized_table
where k = 'A'
See demo at
Not using stored procedures, I would do it in 2 steps:
Insert the comma at the second occurrence of the pipe character:
update options set options = insert(options, locate('|', options, locate('|', options) + 1), 1, ',');
Insert the remaining commas - execute the query N times:
update options set options = insert(options, locate('|', options, locate('|', options, length(options) - locate(',', reverse(options)) + 1) + 1), 1, ',');
where N =
select max(round(((length(options) - length(replace(options, '|', ''))) - 1 ) / 2) - 1) from options;
(or don't bother with counting and continue to execute the query as long as it doesn't tell you "0 rows affected")
Checked with this set of data:
id options
1 A|10|B|20|C|30
2 A|Positive|B|Negative
3 A|10|B|20|C|30|D|40|E|50|F|60
4 A|Positive|B|Negative|C|Neutral|D|Dunno
results in:
id options
1 A|10,B|20,C|30
2 A|Positive,B|Negative
3 A|10,B|20,C|30,D|40,E|50,F|60
4 A|Positive,B|Negative,C|Neutral,D|Dunno
(I'll provide an explanation later)
Rextester demo
This could be solved relatively easily if only MySQL had a regular expression replacement function but unfortunately it doesn't. So I wrote one - see this blog post. The "advanced version" is needed here to allows it to perform a recursive replace in the found match for the replacement. Then the following relatively simple SQL can be used:
SQL (function code omitted for brevity)
options AS `before`,
'\\|.*\\|', -- 2 pipe symbols with any text in between
'\\|$', -- Replace the second pipe symbol
',', -- Replace with a comma
FALSE, -- Non-greedy matching
2, -- Min match length = 2 (2 pipe symbols)
0, -- No max match length
0, -- Min sub-match length = 1 (1 pipe symbol)
0 -- Max sub-match length = 1 (1 pipe symbol)
) AS `after`
FROM tbl;
Hum, I think you are trying to do something like this
I explain briefly, I take for each row the result and I concatenate "," and I concatenate all the row with the separator "|".
You will have to change the with the name of your table
If you want to concatenate one more value like A,B,C (you did not explain from where the ABC value are coming from so let's say ValueWhereABCisComingFrom):
SELECT GROUP_CONCAT(CONCAT(ValueWhereABCisComingFrom,"|",options) SEPARATOR ",") FROM;
if my table is like this :
id | ValueWhereABCisComingFrom | options
0 | A | 10
1 | B | 20
2 | C | 30
You wil have something like that :
There is no way to do that in that case. There is no function like preg_replace in mysql. All you can do is to replace all the "|" like
SELECT Replace(options, '|', ',') AS P
FROM `docs`;
In MariaDB, there is such a function so you could maybe try to pass from one base to an other. But with MYSQL only, no way :/
You can do by creating a function
CREATE FUNCTION doiterate(str TEXT, i INT, next INT, isp TINYINT(1))
myloop: LOOP
IF next = 0 THEN
LEAVE myloop;
set str = insert(str, i, 1, ',');
set isp = FALSE;
set i = next;
set next = locate('|', str, i + 1);
ITERATE myloop;
set isp = TRUE;
set i = next;
set next = locate('|', str, i + 1);
ITERATE myloop;
LEAVE myloop;
return str;
and calling it that way :
SELECT t.`column`,
@loc := locate('|', t.`column`) as position,
@next := locate('|', t.`column`, @loc +1) as next,
@isp := 0 is_pipe,
@r := doiterate(t.column, @loc, @next, @isp) as returnstring
from test t;
I assume you'll be smart enough to
- change the tablename & column name
- insert this into an update request
You can change the @isp := to 1 if I got the wrong pipe/coma change (i assumed second pipe should be changed to a coma)