I was recently interviewed and got a question on Palindrome.
Given a string ( which might represent a date ), check if it's a
palindrome or not using Stack.
I tried to come up with solution, but he didn't like that.
Can anyone show me the code snippet for it in Java ?
PS : This is not a homework, actual interview question.
import java.util.Stack;
public class PalindromeTest {
public static void main(String[] args) {
String input = "test";
Stack<Character> stack = new Stack<Character>();
for (int i = 0; i < input.length(); i++) {
String reverseInput = "";
while (!stack.isEmpty()) {
reverseInput += stack.pop();
if (input.equals(reverseInput))
System.out.println("Yo! that is a palindrome.");
System.out.println("No! that isn't a palindrome.");
The general idea of doing this with a stack is extremely simple. I don't have time to syntax and Java code, but this is the concept in pseudocode.
string s = "test"
for i=0 to s.length
This would push t->e->s->t from left to right. So the resulting stack would look like this:
TOP -> |t|s|e|t| <- BOTTOM
Now, since the LAST character of the string is on top, you just need to pop until the stack is empty and store it in a string. This will be the reverse of the original string. You can then compare this string with the original, and if it matches you have a palindrome.
In this case you would do:
while(pop != '')
string s += pop'd character
So you would grab t, then s, then e and finally the first t and have s = tset.
Comparing this to "test", it is not a palindrome.