I am using Asp.net MVC3 and knockoutjs library. I need to do some client side validation. I am exploring the knockout validation plugin.
So I declare the following ko.observable value in my js code:
var numberValue = ko.observable().extend({ number: true })
This is my view part:
<input data-bind = "value: numberValue " />
When the user enters some value that is not a number an error message is displayed : "Please enter a number". Can I display a different error message but still using the native rules? I do not want to write custom validation logic just for this. Any help with some working example will be greatly appreciated. Thank You!
Here is the code that creates the validation extenders.
addExtender: function (ruleName) {
ko.extenders[ruleName] = function (observable, params) {
//params can come in a few flavors
// 1. Just the params to be passed to the validator
// 2. An object containing the Message to be used and the Params to pass to the validator
// Example:
// var test = ko.observable(3).extend({
// max: {
// message: 'This special field has a Max of {0}',
// params: 2
// }
// )};
if (params.message) { //if it has a message object, then its an object literal to use
return ko.validation.addRule(observable, {
rule: ruleName,
message: params.message,
params: params.params || true
} else {
return ko.validation.addRule(observable, {
rule: ruleName,
params: params
As you can see all the extenders can receive a params object or an object literal with the params and a custom message. So in your case.
var numberValue = ko.observable().extend({ number: {
message: "some custom message",
params: true
} })
Hope this helps.
you can just add validate property like this
emailAddress: ko.observable().extend({ // custom message
required: { message: 'Please supply your email address.' }
The existing answers are correct. However, if you want to change the message for a validator that already accepts other parameters, you have to wrap those existing parameters in a new object named params
unique: {
params: {
collection: foo,
valueAccessor: function(item) {
return item.bar();
message: 'some custom message'