I'm making a form and would like the code to execute only if the input values are numbers. I'm trying to avoid using some kind of validation plugin and was wondering if there is a way to loop through the input fields and check for the values.
I've been trying the following but I think my logic is wrong:
(#monthlyincome is the form id)
$("#submit").click(function() {
$("#monthlyincome input").each(function() {
if (!isNaN(this.value)) {
// process stuff here
Any ideas?
This is the whole updated code:
$("#submit").click(function() {
$("#monthlyincome input[type=text]").each(function() {
if (!isNaN(this.value)) {
// processing data
var age = parseInt($("#age").val());
var startingage = parseInt($("#startingage").val());
if (startingage - age > 0) {
$("#field1").val(startingage - age);
var inflationyrs = parseInt($("#field3").val());
var inflationprc = $("#field4").val() / 100;
var inflationfactor = Math.pow(1 + inflationprc, inflationyrs);
var estyearlyinc = $("#field6").val();
var inflatedyearlyinc = inflationfactor * estyearlyinc;
$("#field7").val(FormatNumberBy3(inflatedyearlyinc.toFixed(0), ",", "."));
var estincyears = $("#field2").val();
var esttotalinc = estincyears * inflatedyearlyinc;
$("#field8").val(FormatNumberBy3(esttotalinc.toFixed(0), ",", "."));
var investmentrate = $("#field9").val() / 100;
var investmentfactor = Math.pow(1 + investmentrate, inflationyrs);
var currentsavings = $("#field11").val();
var futuresavings = currentsavings * investmentfactor;
$("#field12").val(FormatNumberBy3(futuresavings.toFixed(0), ",", "."));
//final calculations
var futurevalue = (1 * (Math.pow(1 + investmentrate, inflationyrs) - 1) / investmentrate);
var finalvalue = (1 / futurevalue * (esttotalinc - futuresavings));
$("#field13").val(FormatNumberBy3(finalvalue.toFixed(0), ",", "."));
// end processing
FormatNumberBy3 is a function for... formatting the numbers. :)