I know this question is not new but all the solution I get for this are in PHP or my issue is different from them.
I am using MWS feed API to submit flat file for Price and Quantity Updates and always get the following error:
the Content-MD5 HTTP header you passed for your feed did not match the Content-MD5 we calculated for your feed
I would like to ask 3 questions here:-
ContentMD5Value parameter is optional as given in doc, but if i not passed that than it will say that you must enter ContentMD5Value.
As in doc the
which we are given to Amazon. Amazon createcontentMD5
for that file and then compares thatcontentMD5
value with thecontentMD5
value we send to Amazon.
If both match then OK, otherwise it will throw an error. But if suppose I will not send the file then also the same errors come that MD5 does not match. How is that possible? Which file are they calculating the MD5 for? Because I haven't send the file inContentFeed
.If I send the
in a header as well as parameter and sending theContentFeed
in body, I still get the error.
Note:- I am sending the contentMD5
in a header as well as in a parameters in form using request module and also calculating the signature with that and then pass the contentFeed
in body.
I am using JavaScript (Meteor), I calculate the md5 using the crpyto
First, I think that my md5 is wrong but then I tried with an online website that will give me the md5 for a file the md5.
for my file is:
MD5 value: d90e9cfde58aeba7ea7385b6d77a1f1e
Base64Encodevalue: ZDkwZTljZmRlNThhZWJhN2VhNzM4NWI2ZDc3YTFmMWU=
The flat file I downloaded from for Price and Quantity Updates:-
I calculated the signature also by giving ContentMD5Value
while calculating the signature.
As, I read documentation for that I passed the MD5-header in headers and also send as parameter.
Amazon doc says:
Previously, Amazon MWS accepted the MD5 hash as a Content-MD5 header instead of a parameter. Passing it as a parameter ensures that the MD5 value is part of the method signature, which prevents anyone on the network from tampering with the feed content.
Amazon MWS will still accept a Content-MD5 header whether or not a ContentMD5Value parameter is included. If both a header and parameter are used, and they do not match, you will receive an InvalidParameterValue error.
I am using the request
module for http requests.
I am passing all the required keys, seller id, etc. in form of request module and passing the FeedContent
in body.
I tried sending the file as follows:
Method for submitFeed is:-
submitFeed : function(){
console.log("submitFeedAPI running..");
app = mwsReport({auth: {sellerId:'A4TUFSCXD64V3', accessKeyId:'AKIAJBU3FTBCJUIZWF', secretKey:'Eug7ZbaLljtrnGKGFT/DTH23HJ' }, marketplace: 'IN'});
console.log("error in submit feed...")
console.log("suuccess submit feed....")
Method that call Amazon submitFeedAPI is:-
var submitFeedsAPI = function(options, callback){
console.log("submitFeedsAPI running...");
var fileReadStream = fs.createReadStream('/home/parveen/Downloads/test/testting.txt');
var contentMD5Value = crypto.createHash('md5').update(file).digest('base64');
var reqForm = {query: {"Action": "SubmitFeed", "MarketplaceId": mpList[mpCur].id, "FeedType":options.FeedType,"PurgeAndReplace":false,"ContentMD5Value":contentMD5Value}};
mwsReqProcessor(reqForm, 'submitFeedsAPI', "submitFeedsAPIResponse", "submitFeedsAPIResult", "mwsprod-0000",false,file, callback);
also try
var fileReadStream = fs.createReadStream('/home/parveen/Downloads/test/testting.txt');
var base64Contents = fileReadStream.toString('base64');
var contentMD5Value = crypto.createHash('md5').update(base64Contents).digest('base64');
mwsReqProcessor function is as below:-
mwsReqProcessor = function mwsReqProcessor(reqForm, name, responseKey, resultKey, errorCode,reportFlag,file, callback) {
reqOpt = {
url: mwsReqUrl,
method: 'POST',
timeout: 40000,
body:{FeedContent: fs.readFileSync('/home/parveen/feedContentFile/Flat.File.PriceInventory.in.txt')},
form: null,
headers: {
// 'Transfer-Encoding': 'chunked',
//'Content-Type': 'text/xml',
// 'Content-MD5':'ZDkwZTljZmRlNThhZWJhN2VhNzM4NWI2ZDc3YTFmMWU=',
// 'Content-Type': 'text/xml; charset=iso-8859-1'
reqOpt.form = mwsReqQryGen(reqForm);
var r = request(reqOpt, function (err, res, body){
// var form = r.form();
Method for mwsReqQryGen generation:-
mwsReqQryGen = function mwsReqQryGen(options) {
var method = (options && options.method) ? ('' + options.method) : 'POST',
host = (options && options.host) ? ('' + options.host) : mwsReqHost,
path = (options && options.path) ? ('' + options.path) : mwsReqPath,
query = (options && options.query) ? options.query : null,
returnData = {
"AWSAccessKeyId": authInfo.accessKeyId,
"SellerId": authInfo.sellerId,
"SignatureMethod": "HmacSHA256",
"SignatureVersion": "2",
"Timestamp": new Date().toISOString(),
if(query && typeof query === "object")
for(key in query)
if(query.hasOwnProperty(key)) returnData[key] = ('' + query[key]);
if(authInfo.secretKey && method && host && path) {
// Sort query parameters
var keys = [],
qry = {};
for(key in returnData)
if(returnData.hasOwnProperty(key)) keys.push(key);
keys = keys.sort();
for(key in keys)
if(keys.hasOwnProperty(key)) qry[keys[key]] = returnData[keys[key]];
var sign = [method, host, path, qs.stringify(qry)].join("\n");
returnData.Signature = mwsReqSignGen(sign);
//console.log(returnData); // for debug
return returnData;
I also tried with following:-
reqOpt = {
url: mwsReqUrl,
method: 'POST',
timeout: 40000,
form: null,
body: {FeedContent: fs.createReadStream('/home/parveen/feedContentFile/Flat.File.PriceInventory.in.txt')},
headers: {
// 'Transfer-Encoding': 'chunked',
//'Content-Type': 'text/xml',
// 'Content-MD5':'ZDkwZTljZmRlNThhZWJhN2VhNzM4NWI2ZDc3YTFmMWU=',
// 'Content-Type': 'text/xml; charset=iso-8859-1'
I also tried without JSON and directly send the file read stream in the body, i.e:
reqOpt = {
url: mwsReqUrl,
method: 'POST',
timeout: 40000,
form: null,
body: fs.createReadStream('/home/parveen/feedContentFile/Flat.File.PriceInventory.in.txt'),
headers: {
// 'Transfer-Encoding': 'chunked',
//'Content-Type': 'text/xml',
// 'Content-MD5':'ZDkwZTljZmRlNThhZWJhN2VhNzM4NWI2ZDc3YTFmMWU=',
// 'Content-Type': 'text/xml; charset=iso-8859-1'
But same error comes every time:
the Content-MD5 HTTP header you passed for your feed did not match the Content-MD5 we calculated for your feed
I want to know where I am doing wrong or what is the right way to submit feed API and sending the file using request module.
I also tried with the code given on MWS to generate the MD5 but same error occurred each time.
My .txt file as follows:
sku price quantity TP-T2-00-M 2
Any help is much appreciated