I have started developing a small 16-bit OS under GCC/G++. I am using a GCC cross-compiler, which I compiled under Cygwin, I am putting asm(".code16gcc\n") as the first line of each .CPP file, using Intel ASM syntax and the command lines for compiling and linking a .CPP file look like this:
G++: i586-elf-g++ -c $(CPP_FILE) -o $(OBJECT_OUTPUT) -nostdinc -ffreestanding -nostdlib -fno-builtin -fno-rtti -fno-exceptions -fpermissive -masm=intel
The problem I am currently facing is the way GCC translates function-calling code into assembly.
To be more specific, instead of using the PUSH instruction to pass the arguments, GCC "calculates" the offsets relative to ESP the arguments should be located at, and then uses the MOV instruction to write the stack manually.
This is not beneficial for me, since I rely on the PUSH instruction in my assembly code. To illustrate my problem clearer, take these 2 functions:
void f2(int x);
void f1(){
int arg = 8;
asm("mov eax, 5");
asm("push eax");
asm("pop eax");
void f2(int x){
In function f1, I am saving EAX using the PUSH instruction, and I would expect to have it restored to 5 after calling f2 and executing the "POP EAX" instruction. It turns out however that EAX becomes 8, not 5. That's because the ASSEMBLY CODE GCC generates looks like this (I've included the source as well for clarity):
void f1()
C++: {
push ebp
mov ebp,esp
sub esp,byte +0x14
C++: int arg = 8;
mov dword [ebp-0x4],0x8
C++: asm("mov eax, 5");
mov eax,0x5
C++: asm("push eax");
push eax
C++: f2(arg);
mov eax,[ebp-0x4]
mov [dword esp],eax =======>>>>>> HERE'S THE PROBLEM, WHY NOT 'PUSH EAX' ?!!
call f2
C++: asm("pop eax");
pop eax
C++: }
o32 leave
o32 ret
void f2(int x)
C++: {
push ebp
mov ebp,esp
C++: }
pop ebp
o32 ret
I have tried using some G++ compilation flags like -mpush-args or -mno-push-args and another one which I can't remember and GCC still doesn't want to use PUSH. The version I'm using is i586-elf-g++ (GCC) 4.7.2
(Cross-Compiler recompiled in Cygwin).
Thank you in advance!
UPDATE: Here's a webpage I've found: http://fixunix.com/linux/6799-gcc-function-call-pass-arguments-via-push.html
That just seems really stupid for GCC to do, considering that it limits the usability of inline assembly for complex stuff. :( Please leave an answer if you have a suggestion.