[Angular version: 2.4.5]
I'm attempting to write an Angular integration component unit test that contains a service that leverages the built-in Angular HTTP library. I cannot get my Service class to instantiate though: either the Service is undefined or I get "Error: Cannot resolve all parameters for 'RequestOptions'(?)".
I understand that typically you'd mock the backend (have successfully done that in other unit tests) or use Protractor. Other SO questions reference Angular 1 or have answers that just don't seem to work. Starting code:
export class ProjectService {
projectFeature: IProjectFeature;
constructor(private http: Http) { }
getProjects(): Observable<IProjects> {
return this.http.get("/api/Projects")
.map((response: Response) => response.json() || {})
// Jasmine spec file:
beforeEach(async(() => {
providers: [
ProjectService, // service that leverages HTTP
//RequestOptions // removed b/c otherwise can't find parameters error happens
imports: [
it('sample test', async(() => {
var projectService = TestBed.get(ProjectService);
var comp = new ProjectComponent(projectService);
comp.ngOnInit(); // internally, calls projectService.getProjects()
expect(comp.projects[0].name).toEqual("Sample Project Name");