Let me show what I need first so you can understand my problem. I have a contact view like:
ContactView = Backbone.View.extend({
template: _.template("Name: <%= name %>
E-mail: <%= email %>
<%= label1 %> - <%= number1 %>
<%= label2 %> - <%= number2 %>"),
render: function() {
var contact = this.template(this.model.toJSON());
So far so good, the problem is that the phones part is a list, my model holds an array of phones, and I need to put it dynamically in that template.
What I thought was to create another model and view Phone and PhoneView just for this. And then in the ContactView I would create a method render_phones, like:
render_phones: function() {
var phones = this.model.get('phones');
var phones_str = "";
for (var i in phones) {
var phone = new Phone(phones[i]);
var phoneView = new PhoneView({model: phone});
phones_str += phoneView.render();
return phones_str;
I changed the ContactView template to this:
template: _.template("Name: <%= name %>
E-mail: <%= email %>
<%= phones %>"),
But how to make my render method get the phone list rendered and put inside the template?
I couldn't find a pattern to deal with situations like this. And the code is starting to look not so good.
ps: This is just an example, there are several other parts of my application that I need this, a view that need to generate subviews with content in a list.