I saw this post:
Typos… Just use option strict and explicit please.. during one software development project, which I was on as a consultant, they were getting ridiculous amounts of errors everywhere… turned out the developer couldn’t spell and would declare variables with incorrect spelling.. no big deal, until you use the correct spelling when you’re assigning a value to it… and you had option explicit off. Ouch to them…\"
What is Option Strict
and Option Explicit
anyway? I have googled it up but can\'t get the idea (because mostly it\'s Visual Basic, I\'m doing PHP).
Option Explicit
means that all variables must be declared. See here. Without this, you can accidentally declare a new variable just by misspelling another variable name. This is one of those things that cause a lot of grief as you\'re trying to debug VB programs and figure out why your program isn\'t working properly. In my opinion, this shouldn\'t even be an option - it should always be on.
Option Strict
\"restricts implicit data type conversions to only widening conversions\". See here. With this option enabled, you can\'t accidentally convert one data type to another that is less precise (e.g. from an Integer
to a Byte
). Again, an option that should be turned on by default.
Option Strict
and Option Explicit
help you to catch potential and actual errors at design time, rather than your code compiling and failing at runtime. You should switch Both On
Option Strict and Option Explicit are Off By Default. To switch them on:
Option Strict
Tools -> Options -> Projects and Solutions -> VB defaults -> Option Strict
. Set it to On
Option Explicit
Tools -> Options -> Editor -> Require Variable Declaration
. tick it.
Option Explicit
With Option Explicit Off you don\'t have to declare (Dim) a variable before using it:
a = 123 \'a is automatically declared as an Integer
This becomes dangerous when you declare a variable in one place and think you are using it later but mis-type it:
Dim counter As Integer = 0
\'some lines later...
countr = 55 \'This creates a new variable called countr
Or even worse, you assign a value to a variable that you think is in scope, but it isn\'t and you end up declaring a new variable with the same name but differing scope.
With a lot of code or long methods these can be easy to miss to you should always switch it on to prevent these sorts of issues
Option Strict
With Option Strict Off you can implicitly convert a datatype to a narrowing type with no error
Dim d As Double = 999.99
Dim s As Single = d \'No error with Option Strict Off
For these cases Option Strict serves as a warning to the developer to make sure that the double value should never exceed Single.MaxValue
You can also assign an Enum to the incorrect value with no error. The following is a real example of this:
The variable should have been set to EOpticalCalStates.FAILED
(24), in fact it sets the State to a value of 4 which is equivalent to EOpticalCalStates.ALI_HOR
Something like this is not easy to spot.
Therefore you should always have Option Strict on by default. This setting should have been set on as default, but Microsoft decided to leave it off to increase backwards compatibility (which with hindsight was a mistake IMO)
Find details here: http://support.microsoft.com/kb/311329
The Option Explicit statement
default, the Visual Basic .NET or
Visual Basic compiler enforces
explicit variable declaration, which
requires that you declare every
variable before you use it. To change
this default behavior, see the Change
the Default Project Values section.
The Option Strict statement
default, the Visual Basic .NET or
Visual Basic compiler does not enforce
strict data typing. To change this
default behavior, see the Change the
Default Project Values section.