iPhone Development: Core-Plot performance slow when handling a huge data.
I tried to put 500 Data into Plot. The performance show that it is really slow.
And most of the CandleStick Chart all mix together...
Anyone has any solution for me, please?
Plot a sample of your data! Don't plot all 500 data points if you don't actually need to draw them all.
We did some speed comparisons of iOS Charts and one of them was Core-plot. Unfortunately Core-plot was so slow it could not do the first test!!
There were other chart components which were able to handle big data much more efficiently.
The test results and test setup are here: https://www.scichart.com/ios-chart-performance-comparison
In table format the results of a comparison between four main chart iOS providers can be found here.
Disclosure, I am the tech lead of the SciChart project