Split one column to multiple columns but data will

2019-02-16 00:12发布


I have a set of row in my database that look like this:

Mr Joe Bloggs
Joe Bloggs
Joe Jim Bloggs
Joe Jim David Bloggs
Mr Joe Jim Bloggs
Mr Joe Jim David Bloggs

Output required:

Title | First Name | Middle Name | Surname
Mr | Joe | x | Bloggs
x | Joe | x | Bloggs
x | Joe | Jim | Bloggs
x | Joe | Jim David | Bloggs
Mr | Joe | Jim | Bloggs
Mr | Joe | Jim David | Bloggs

This will be run in a SQL Stored Procedure. What i need is this output generated while looping through a CURSOR and the 4 variables to update the 4 columns in the database. But as you can see the data is in 1 column and varies.

I am finding it hard to understand the best way of doing this and would like your help please. Let me know if you need anything else.

Similar Questions to mine but i feel these dont give me the full answer i need or i think it doesnt answer my question:

  • Split column string into multiple columns strings
  • split select results (one column) into multiple columns
  • SQL single column split over mutiple columns
  • How can i split column value into different columns in SQL
  • Sql query to split one column into two columns
  • Table column split to two columns in sql?


    --Temporary Table to Merge the full name together in order to split by comma. Each split will have a unique record but with the same address information for each name. 
    CREATE TABLE #TempOutput
        ClientReference varchar(MAX),
        Prefix varchar(MAX),
        Reference int,
        MergedFullName varchar(MAX),
        FormatName varchar(MAX),
        Title varchar(MAX),
        FirstName varchar(MAX),
        MiddleName varchar(MAX),
        Surname varchar(MAX)

    DECLARE @Ref varchar(MAX)
    DECLARE @Prefix varchar(MAX)
    DECLARE @Reference int
    DECLARE @MergedName varchar(MAX)
    DECLARE @FormatName varchar(MAX)
    DECLARE @Title varchar(MAX)
    DECLARE @FirstName varchar(MAX)
    DECLARE @MiddleName varchar(MAX)
    DECLARE @Surname varchar(MAX)

    DECLARE ExtraNameSplitCursor CURSOR FOR
            [Client Reference], 
                WHEN LEFT(Surname,3) = 'Mr,' THEN (Title + ' ' + [First Name] + ' ' + [Middle Name] + ' ' + Replace(Surname,'Mr,',''))
                WHEN LEFT(Surname,4) = 'Mrs,' THEN (Title + ' ' + [First Name] + ' ' + [Middle Name] + ' ' + Replace(Surname,'Mrs,',''))
                ELSE (Title + ' ' + [First Name] + ' ' + [Middle Name] + ' ' + Surname) 
            END AS [Merged Full Name]
        FROM #StartResults

    OPEN ExtraNameSplitCursor

    FETCH NEXT FROM ExtraNameSplitCursor INTO @Ref, @Prefix, @Reference, @MergedName
            INSERT INTO #TempOutput (ClientReference, Prefix, Reference, MergedFullName) 
            SELECT @Ref, @Prefix, @Reference, GUID, FROM dbo.fn_SPLIT_LIST_STRING (@MergedName)

            --SELECT CASE 
            --  WHEN @FormatName.GUID = 'Mr ' THEN @Title = 'Mr'
            --  WHEN LEFT(@MergedName,4) = 'Mrs ' THEN @Title = 'Mrs' 
            --  WHEN LEFT(@MergedName,5) = 'Miss ' THEN @Title = 'Miss'
            --  WHEN LEFT(@MergedName,3) = 'Ms ' THEN @Title = 'Ms'
            --  WHEN LEFT(@MergedName,3) = 'Dr ' THEN @Title = 'Dr'
            --  WHEN LEFT(@MergedName,4) = 'Rev ' THEN @Title = 'Rev'
            --  WHEN LEFT(@MergedName,5) = 'Lord ' THEN @Title = 'Lord'
            --  ELSE @Title = '' 
            --END AS Title,
            --  WHEN MID(@MergedName,2,1) = ' ' THEN @FirstName = '' ELSE @FirstName = CHARINDEX(' ', MergedFullName + ' ') FROM #TempOutput AS FirstName

            FETCH NEXT FROM ExtraNameSplitCursor INTO @Ref, @Prefix, @Reference, @MergedName, @FlatNo, @HouseName, @HouseNo, @Street, @District, @PostTown, @County, @PostCode

    CLOSE ExtraNameSplitCursor
    DEALLOCATE ExtraNameSplitCursor

    --Select statement for temporary table
        ISNULL(ClientReference,'') AS ClientReference,
        ISNULL(Prefix,'') AS Prefix,
        ISNULL(Reference,'') AS Reference,
        ISNULL(MergedFullName,'') AS MergedFullName, 
        ISNULL(Title,'') AS Title,
        ISNULL(FirstName,'') AS FirstName,
        ISNULL(MiddleName,'') AS MiddleName,
        ISNULL(Surname,'') AS Surname

    FROM #TempOutput Result
    ORDER BY ClientReference
    for xml auto

    --Drop all temporary tables
    DROP TABLE #TempOutput
    DROP TABLE #StartResults



I have resolved my issue and thanks for the clues and help.

I have basically added a 2nd cursor which does the following:

  • Grab the Merged Full Name field and put into a temporary variable.
  • Checks the title by running a case statement to check Mr, Mrs etc. else enter blank string into Title.
  • Update Title Trim the title of the Merged Full Name
  • Check the surname by RIGHT(@TempName, CHARINDEX(' ', REVERSE(@TempName)) - 1) and assume that this is the surname.
  • Update Surname Trim and Replace this of the Merged Full Name
  • Check the left for First Name by LEFT(@TempName, CHARINDEX(' ',
    @TempName + ' ') -1)
  • Update First Name Trim and Replace this of the Merged Full Name
  • Anything else is put in the middle name.

Bit long winded but in 99.9% cases in my database it formats pefectly.

If you would like the above code let me know.

Thank you for you time.