i have a question about moving a Box2D body to a specific position without using this for example.
I have some code which works for applyForce (here):
const float destinationControl = 0.3f;
b2Vec2 missilePosition = _physicalBody->GetPosition();
b2Vec2 diff = targetPosition - missilePosition;
float dist = diff.Length();
if (dist > 0)
// compute the aiming direction
b2Vec2 direction = b2Vec2(diff.x / dist, diff.y / dist);
// get the current missile velocity because we will apply a force to compensate this.
b2Vec2 currentVelocity = _physicalBody->GetLinearVelocity();
// the missile ideal velocity is the direction to the target multiplied by the max speed
b2Vec2 desireVelocity = b2Vec2(direction.x * maxSpeed, direction.y * maxSpeed);
// compensate the current missile velocity by the desired velocity, based on the control factor
b2Vec2 finalVelocity = control * (desireVelocity - currentVelocity);
// transform our velocity into an impulse (get rid of the time and mass factor)
float temp = (_physicalBody->GetMass() / normalDelta);
b2Vec2 finalForce = b2Vec2(finalVelocity.x * temp, finalVelocity.y * temp);
_physicalBody->ApplyForce(finalForce, _physicalBody->GetWorldCenter());
But the when the maxSpeed
is to high the body move over the point to fast.
So does anyone know how to calculate a force (ApplyForce
) or an impluse (ApplyLinearImpulse
) to move the body to a target position (very exactly) in a specific time.
Or a solution with the code above. I mean calculate the maxSpeed
to move the body in a specific time to the target position.
In my google search i found the interesting article from iforce about projected trajectory (here). Maybe this could be help too?
Thank you in advance