I have a few private static final fields in the class I want to test. Like follows
public class ClassToTest{
private static final Myclass myclass = MyClassFactory.getMyClass(type.firstType);
The type is a enum in the MyClassFactory. That factory do is it initialize object according to type passed and return.
My question is does powermock support this and if so how to do this.
You can use reflection also if any mock library works for you.
Field f = classToTest.getclass().getDeclaredField("myclass ");
f.set(classToTest,/*NEW VALUE*/);
PowerMock ( + a mocking framework ) will allow you to do this. Presumeably you're talking about mocking MyClassFactory.getMyClass() ?
See this question for an example
Why do you want to test this value? Shouldn't you test your enum, test if it returns the correct value when a given type is passed to it.
If you want to test the assignment of the enum to the field you are doubting basic java assignment.