I'm using parse.com in an iOS app to store data to the parse cloud service. I'm having trouble with a query of nested objects. I have the following data model:
Class "Game" contains "winners"
"winners" is an array of NSDictionary
, each item in the dictionary is a mapping of 1 Player to N Powers
playerPowers value is an array of PFObjects (powers only have a name currently) for key:objectId of a player (PFObject)
For each winner, I add to "winners" (there can be multiple winners) an NSDictionary
object, like so:
NSDictionary * winnerWithPowers = [NSDictionary dictionaryWithObject:tempPowers
forKey:[aWinnerPFObject objectId]];
[newGame addObject:winnerWithPowers forKey:@"winners"];
For each item in the dictionary, the key is an existing objectId of a player and the value is an array of PFObjects
(powers) also on the server. When i query for the "winners" i'd like to retrieve all the data populated, all winners and their respective power PFObjects
with all their data. When i query for the "winners" the details of each power PFObject
is incomplete (value for key:name is null). following is the query, then the code that prints results, followed by output of a dictionary containing two winners:
// In viewWillAppear:
PFQuery * gamesQuery = [PFQuery queryWithClassName:@"Game"];
[gamesQuery orderByDescending:@"createdAt"];
[gamesQuery findObjectsInBackgroundWithBlock:^(NSArray * theGames, NSError * error) {
if (error) {
NSLog(@"ERROR: There was an error with the Query for Games!");
} else {
_gamesPF = [[NSMutableArray alloc] initWithArray:theGames];
[_tableView reloadData];
// in the tableview cellForRowAtIndexPath: method (it's my own TableViewController)
NSArray * testArray = [[_gamesPF objectAtIndex:row] objectForKey:@"winners"];
if ([testArray count] > 0) {
// print contents of first dictionary winners entry
NSLog(@"TestDictfromPF %@", [testArray objectAtIndex:0]);
2013-01-18 09:42:26.430 GamesTourney[20972:19d03] TestDictfromPF {
jchtlqsuIY = (
"<Power:OlJfby1iuz:(null)> {\n}", // problem is {\n}. Data exists on server but not in local structure after query
"<Power:eQkMUThGOh:(null)> {\n}" // ditto