Python (3+) and Qt (5) (although happy to have Py2.7 and Qt4 answers!). Totally confused by vast documentation about styles, delegates, models and everything else.
I've found it simple to set the background of alternate rows but I want to set the background for rows where one column matches a specific value (i.e. Archive == True
Alternate rows:
self.plainModel = QSqlQueryModel()
self.linksTable.setStyleSheet("alternate-background-color: Lightgrey;background-color: white;")
I've seen an example showing how to do it through the model but this specific example seems to be simply replicating the alternate rows outcome, and after a few days staring a code I can't work out how to translate that to checking the archive column.
Extract from example:
elif role == Qt.BackgroundRole:
if index.row() % 2 == 0:
return QBrush(Qt.yellow)
elif role != Qt.DisplayRole:
return QVariant()
I've found another example using delegates but can't at the moment get my head around it.
Especially I still can't understand how you would choose which rows get the change, and can't understand how to apply a simply background colour as "option"! (Reading the documentation on QStyleOptionViewItem is sending my down the rabbit-hole!).
Can you help?