Trying to retrieve form entries which are stored in google firebase under the node called entries and append to a google sheet using the script editor in google sheets.
I have added the FirebaseApp library to google sheet script editor. Then my code looks like this:
function getAllData() {
var firebaseUrl = "";
var secret = "pCOCwKCC582jpqdZe2EqPqnW3IAd3UyO9oB4uaEL2";
var base = FirebaseApp.getDatabaseByUrl(firebaseUrl, secret);
var data = base.getData();
when I run this nothing happens. Any ideas?
Next I need to add the returned data from firebase to the google sheet. I was using this code to do this via the sheets api, however I'm not sure how this works in the google script editor?
function addEntries() {
spreadsheetId: '10lyQpQtEA7euCfdU2isrqB_bgPuy-eSbW74h7oDP3ko',
range: "Sheet1!A1:D100",
majorDimension: "ROWS",
"values": [
["testa", "testb", "testc", "testd"]
valueInputOption: 'USER_ENTERED'
}).then(function(response) {
}, function(response) {
appendPre('Error: ' + response.result.error.message);
I'm using the newest Firebase version. This snippet code works for me.
function getFacturasClientesExistentes() {
var firebaseUrl = "";
var base = FirebaseApp.getDatabaseByUrl(firebaseUrl);
var data = base.getData();
var ss = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet();
var sheet = ss.getSheetByName("Facturas Clientes Existentes");
var num = 2;
range = sheet.getRange("A"+num+":F"+num+"");
for(var i in data) {
var values = [
[ data[i].fecha, data[i].sucursal, data[i].cantidad, data[i].cliente, data[i].correo, data[i].estatus ]
num += 1;
range = sheet.getRange("A"+num+":F"+num+"");
Some notes:
- I have previously write the headers for my data in the spreadsheet
- In the line
range = sheet.getRange("A"+num+":F"+num+"");
from A to F I have my headers
I hope this helps someone, this worked for me.
function writeSheets() {
var ss = SpreadsheetApp.openById("10lyQpQtEA7euCfdU2isrqB_bgPuy-eSbW74h7oDP3ko");
var sheet = ss.getSheets()[0];
var firebaseUrl = "";
var secret = "pCOCwKCC582jpqdZe2EqPqnW3IAd3UyO9oB4uaEL2"; // get this from firebase project settings
var base = FirebaseApp.getDatabaseByUrl(firebaseUrl);
var data = base.getData();
var keys = Object.keys(data.entries);
var sheetRow = [];
var entryKeys;
for (index in keys) {
sheetRow = [];
entryKeys = Object.keys(data.entries[keys[index]])
for (i in entryKeys) {
Note: in order for this code to work, you need to install the firebaseapp library in the script editor as per these instructions,